Message from @Zuihou

Discord ID: 497520472641110056

2018-10-04 21:22:54 UTC  

or twenty-rounders

2018-10-04 21:23:28 UTC  

So a pinned 20 rounder is aok... a size of a 30 rounder but is a battery pack is no good?

2018-10-04 21:23:37 UTC  

more or less, yeah.

2018-10-04 21:23:41 UTC  

where's the pin, Zuihou?

2018-10-04 21:23:42 UTC  


2018-10-04 21:24:03 UTC  

Well, and if you don't have a PAL or RPAL it would likely be illegal regardless.

2018-10-04 21:24:07 UTC  

The thing is missing everything that makes it a magazine

2018-10-04 21:24:31 UTC  

But you see, Zuihou, it _looks_ like a magazine that could fit a "military style" weapon.

2018-10-04 21:24:33 UTC  

Hell, the inside was dremeled so it cant push the rounds to the top shoulder flaps t

2018-10-04 21:25:14 UTC  

None of your reason or rational arguements are allowed in a People's Republic of Canada court Z

2018-10-04 21:25:16 UTC  

and the RCMP is inclined to disagree with you on whether you have committed an offense by possessing it unlawfully (the frame implies the crime :- ).

2018-10-04 21:25:45 UTC  

So if i walk into canada with this showing up, i will have a bunch of replica guns xD

2018-10-04 21:25:59 UTC  

They are all based on military style rifles

2018-10-04 21:26:22 UTC  

Canada wrry...

2018-10-04 21:26:31 UTC  

In their infinite wisdom, our illustrious Parliament has bestowed upon the RCMP all of the powers to determine whether or not you have committed a firearms offense.

2018-10-04 21:27:12 UTC  

Including a mandate to make whatever determinations about classification they please, at any time, without compensation or an option to export your pre-reclassification firearms.

2018-10-04 21:27:25 UTC  

I was going to show a velcro patch, but i would probably broke 2 canadian laws...

2018-10-04 21:27:50 UTC  

"In the future the courts are overwhelmed, the need for order demanded the powers of Judge, Jury and executioner be merged..." Into the RCMP

2018-10-04 21:28:00 UTC  

more or less

2018-10-04 21:28:12 UTC  

At least we don't have the death penalty... again, yet.

2018-10-04 21:28:44 UTC  

How regulated is shitposting

2018-10-04 21:28:55 UTC  

Canada is basically Mega City

2018-10-04 21:28:59 UTC  

at least with regard to firearms.

2018-10-04 21:29:00 UTC  

Canada's MegaCity East, Judge Maple says "Sorry it's the law," before executions

2018-10-04 21:29:10 UTC  

Or dank seems to be better for shenanigans

2018-10-04 21:29:28 UTC  

"Sorry it's the law"

2018-10-04 21:29:42 UTC  

Judge Dizzapointment

2018-10-04 21:29:47 UTC  

10 years in the iso cubes

2018-10-04 21:30:00 UTC  

Judge Sorrow

2018-10-04 21:30:08 UTC  

I watched both those movies not long ago.

2018-10-04 21:30:22 UTC  

The remake dredd was great

2018-10-04 21:30:52 UTC  

Yeah, Canadian's don't have a legal right to self defense do they?

2018-10-04 21:31:09 UTC  

No one needs self defense

2018-10-04 21:31:18 UTC  

Thats what government is for

2018-10-04 21:31:44 UTC  

I haven't heard anything as bad as UK's charging people with 1st degree Assult for fighting off an attacker yet.

2018-10-04 21:31:46 UTC  

Actually, that's one thing on which Canada is not technically completely bonkers.

2018-10-04 21:32:14 UTC  

Is the following emote able to pass canadian firearm law...

2018-10-04 21:32:16 UTC  

If you have a firearm, and you discharge it in self defense, under certain circumstances you can be found not guilty of the charge that will be brought against you for that.

2018-10-04 21:32:17 UTC  


2018-10-04 21:32:38 UTC  

dat gacha

2018-10-04 21:32:40 UTC  

>discharge in self defense