Message from @Kealor

Discord ID: 696780740196827196

2020-04-06 17:53:15 UTC  

That's actually one of things that helps me in the long run

2020-04-06 17:53:32 UTC

2020-04-06 17:53:34 UTC  

ngl I would shoot corona chan in the head

2020-04-06 17:53:38 UTC  

Sometimes I just act like I am a special agent in afghanistan killing sand niggers

2020-04-06 17:53:49 UTC  


2020-04-06 17:53:55 UTC  

corona chane is kewt

2020-04-06 17:54:13 UTC  

ur gay tho

2020-04-06 17:54:14 UTC  

Luci is right

2020-04-06 17:54:29 UTC  

She's Chinese so you gotta run her over with a tank

2020-04-06 17:54:34 UTC  

the original hypothesis for the node-based projection of virtual haptic sensors over a 3d model came to me during a nap.

2020-04-06 17:54:46 UTC

2020-04-06 17:54:48 UTC  

Don't underestimate your ability to think stuff during times of boredom.

2020-04-06 17:55:15 UTC  

I should release all of my work once it's all finished to what I consider a decent degree.

2020-04-06 17:55:47 UTC  

The only problem is, we don't quite have the technology yet to cram that many haptic sensors into a dense array yet.

2020-04-06 17:56:12 UTC  

There would have to be easily a few thousand, or even tens of thousand sensors on the entire bodysuit.

2020-04-06 17:56:26 UTC  

What line of work are you in?

2020-04-06 17:56:50 UTC  

I am a hardware specialist, but I am steadily moving into the Virtual Reality and Simulation areas

2020-04-06 17:57:48 UTC  

Neat, computer electronics have always been a field of wanted to invest time in

2020-04-06 17:57:54 UTC  

One day I suppose

2020-04-06 17:57:55 UTC  

All of my work is theory, I must state that clearly. I do not have the money to produce something like this.

2020-04-06 17:58:01 UTC  

The only thing I do have is contacts.

2020-04-06 17:58:41 UTC  

<:ThinkingSayori:594297872187654144> <:thinkcide:462282415549841409> <:thinkcide2:462282425486147585> what do I think about trans rights? 40%

2020-04-06 17:58:50 UTC  

actually closer to 50% now

2020-04-06 17:58:52 UTC  

I get so fucking bored I make up a game and play it in my head

2020-04-06 17:58:53 UTC  


2020-04-06 17:58:56 UTC  

50% be like lol <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:ahegao:462286952335671296>

2020-04-06 17:58:58 UTC  

It sounds bullshit I know

2020-04-06 17:58:59 UTC  


2020-04-06 17:59:00 UTC  

we're halfway there boys

2020-04-06 17:59:14 UTC

2020-04-06 17:59:23 UTC  

I also like doing weapon animations with my hands

2020-04-06 17:59:23 UTC  

I just do philosotisms

2020-04-06 17:59:27 UTC  

Can we push it to 60%?

2020-04-06 17:59:38 UTC  

As if I am shooting and reloading a specific fire arm

2020-04-06 17:59:39 UTC  

Only Italians can take pride in self sterilisation, never forget the Castratos

2020-04-06 17:59:40 UTC  

Blaster is a gamer

2020-04-06 17:59:46 UTC  

I also make good weapon sound effects

2020-04-06 17:59:59 UTC  

I've become an expert at it

2020-04-06 18:00:08 UTC  

I've been doing it since I was 9