Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 685805028417470493

2020-03-07 10:48:24 UTC  

They will kill, rape, steal, threaten and whatever everyone who doesn't bow and who is on their way

2020-03-07 10:49:05 UTC  

and the worst thing is-they are 100% honest among themselves about it and they believe it's just the way things are. It's what Utopia costs for them.

2020-03-07 10:49:11 UTC  

Do you understand me?

2020-03-07 10:50:24 UTC  

I understand for sure

2020-03-07 10:50:45 UTC  

I have heard them say such things when they didn't think they were being recorded.

2020-03-07 10:53:10 UTC  

That's the beginning. I really fear your commies are starting it now.

2020-03-07 10:53:24 UTC  

I mean starting to getinto what REAL comunism is about.

2020-03-07 10:53:50 UTC  

Why do you think back in the day the USSR had the biggest military budget in the world?

2020-03-07 10:54:03 UTC  

Bigger even than yours before Reagan.

2020-03-07 10:54:50 UTC  

well the other safeguard the US founders put in place was the right to keep and bear arms, better simplfied as the right to self defence and the right to the tools to do such against any threat.

2020-03-07 10:55:43 UTC  

most if not all of the original constitutional amendments are all safeguards

2020-03-07 10:58:09 UTC  

Because they were smart dudes and new what could come.

2020-03-07 10:58:45 UTC  

I mean, how could a bunch of 18th century slave-owners be better than all your intellectual might nowadays?

2020-03-07 10:59:15 UTC  

Better than all the colleges and Universities and what would account for the most expensive educationsl system in the world?

2020-03-07 10:59:30 UTC  

And the best and most advanced science, too.

2020-03-07 11:00:02 UTC  

Yet, a bunch of plantation owner from the late 18th-early 19th century seem to have outsmarted it a long time ago.

2020-03-07 11:00:13 UTC  

turns out they knew what people are at their most basic.

2020-03-07 11:00:15 UTC  

Don't you see the irony? 😀

2020-03-07 11:00:57 UTC  

oh i do, i really really do.

2020-03-07 11:04:04 UTC  

Problem is, nobody is talking about it.

2020-03-07 11:04:20 UTC  

At least-not out loud and in public squares.

2020-03-07 11:04:35 UTC  

I who am at the other side on the Globe can see it.

2020-03-07 11:04:38 UTC  

no one talks about because normies are to brain dead to notice

2020-03-07 11:04:47 UTC  

or just donr care

2020-03-07 11:04:48 UTC  

Are Americans themselves really so blind?

2020-03-07 11:04:56 UTC  


2020-03-07 11:05:03 UTC  


2020-03-07 11:05:26 UTC  

You make me feel sorry for our planet.

2020-03-07 11:05:41 UTC  

If you really are such an idiots who's left?

2020-03-07 11:05:53 UTC  

Russia is as broken as shit.

2020-03-07 11:06:00 UTC  

not all of us are idiots

2020-03-07 11:06:07 UTC  

but the mainstream is.

2020-03-07 11:06:23 UTC  

I don't want to think what would came if it's all up to divide between the muzzies and the ching chong!

2020-03-07 11:06:35 UTC  

Australia is a lost cause

2020-03-07 11:06:42 UTC  

on its way to becoming Germany

2020-03-07 11:07:26 UTC  

sadly i have nothing to say to offer hope, there ARE people talking about this who do care about things like this.

2020-03-07 11:08:47 UTC  

steven crowder for an example, plenty of talkshow hosts talk about it all the time, rush limbaugh and the like.

2020-03-07 11:10:08 UTC  

the real problem I think in the US, our best don't go into politics, they go to work makeing businesses and other sorts of profit.
some of them think because they have boat loads of cash they are smarter then everyone else, they will find out they are wrong soon enough.

2020-03-07 11:10:53 UTC  

some don't even understand all that goes into farming, they think it is just planting a sead and getting corn, they have no idea that just planting is at least a 3 step process for most farms.

2020-03-07 11:11:30 UTC  

(tilling, row makeing, seeding, fertilizing, and whatever else)

2020-03-07 11:11:50 UTC  

sure all of that can be done with a single tractor on a single pass now, but that isn't the point at all.