Message from @Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet

Discord ID: 690122616232607879

2020-03-19 08:57:11 UTC  

Please stop with all this misinformation. It's nuts.

2020-03-19 08:57:14 UTC  

@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet clarify ur medical degree

2020-03-19 08:57:19 UTC  

What field

2020-03-19 08:57:20 UTC  

The number i of infected people are very underestimated

2020-03-19 08:57:45 UTC  

@Lidomite the mutations isnt misinformation

2020-03-19 08:57:58 UTC  

and neither is lack of tests

2020-03-19 08:57:58 UTC  

That is why the percentage is inflated and scary

2020-03-19 08:58:03 UTC  

You said swine flu was "caught and contained."

2020-03-19 08:58:08 UTC  


2020-03-19 08:58:25 UTC  


2020-03-19 08:58:29 UTC  


2020-03-19 08:58:32 UTC  

@Lidomite ok my bad

2020-03-19 08:58:34 UTC  

And ambulance

2020-03-19 08:59:01 UTC  

@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet Any actual news of viable tests?

2020-03-19 08:59:16 UTC  

In Brazil we have SAMU and emergency ambulances with doctors and nurses in and out of the cities

2020-03-19 08:59:47 UTC  

There are tests but they are not specific to corona so there are false positives

2020-03-19 09:00:03 UTC  

But we are not diagnosing most of patients

2020-03-19 09:00:14 UTC  

Who are young and healthy people

2020-03-19 09:00:32 UTC  

Who will have none or few weak symptoms

2020-03-19 09:00:41 UTC  

Thats very irresponsible

2020-03-19 09:00:53 UTC  

That's why the mortality rates are wrongly high

2020-03-19 09:00:54 UTC  

Their could be a shit ton of carriers

2020-03-19 09:01:45 UTC  

I dont believe the official numbers from news media outlets for a second

2020-03-19 09:01:47 UTC  

And sadly no one reasonable talk to the population clearly and honestly

2020-03-19 09:02:32 UTC  

Almost all of them and the World health organization recieve chinese government donations

2020-03-19 09:02:47 UTC  

Old people over 65 that suffers from hypertension and diabetes and use medications are the most vulnerable to the infection

2020-03-19 09:03:08 UTC  

So i dont believe the "official" numbers

2020-03-19 09:03:27 UTC  

@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet that doesnt mean young people and healthy cant be carriers

2020-03-19 09:03:29 UTC  

So if you are young but contact old people you should be more careful

2020-03-19 09:03:53 UTC  

That's right and that's why I said this last consideration

2020-03-19 09:05:09 UTC  

But the virus is not spreading like people think and the orientation on washing your hands and avoid close contact to sick people is an all the time measure and not only for the pandemic time

2020-03-19 09:06:05 UTC  

And the washing hands is before eating and manipulating food or after toilet use and contacting other places and people and shared objects

2020-03-19 09:07:00 UTC  

@Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet its not bad form, but it can also lower the defenses your skin offers

2020-03-19 09:07:23 UTC  

With shit like over use of hand sanitizers

2020-03-19 09:08:55 UTC  

Alcohol in gel doesn't kill bacteria only paralyzes them for some time and doesn't kill all viruses

2020-03-19 09:09:32 UTC  

The application is useful for people that will contact different people and can't wash their hands in between each of them

2020-03-19 09:09:48 UTC  

So keep the álcool in gel for those who need

2020-03-19 09:10:39 UTC  

Idk, we can talk more other time, it's pretty late in here and I'm going to bed. If you guys want, feel free to pin me on conversations around here

2020-03-19 09:10:55 UTC  

I really would like to get a hold of Sargon

2020-03-19 09:11:04 UTC  

And be more par of the community

2020-03-19 09:12:17 UTC  

I've been recently banned from AIU/Devon's channel and feel the need to get into another group