Message from @ComradeChaos

Discord ID: 692843947491328020

2020-03-26 20:06:12 UTC  

maybe he already is bald

2020-03-26 20:06:16 UTC  


2020-03-26 20:09:07 UTC  

He is bald, that's why he wears the beanie

2020-03-26 20:09:16 UTC  

also water is wet

2020-03-26 20:49:26 UTC  

China Lied, People Died

2020-03-26 20:54:23 UTC  

Should be legal to detain chinese nationals

2020-03-26 20:57:11 UTC  

Already constitutional under Korematsu v US

2020-03-26 20:57:33 UTC  

However, it’s peacetime so that wouldn’t apply

2020-03-26 20:58:06 UTC  

I know it's standard to be like "gov bad, people good" when criticizing a nation, but I think China is different.

2020-03-26 20:59:59 UTC  

The people of China like the government. They want to serve the government. The government provides them a decent living standard, unlike Iran and Venezuela. Security is more preferable to freedom for the Chinese people.

2020-03-26 21:05:18 UTC  

The chinese are psychopaths who lack empathy

2020-03-26 21:05:29 UTC  

They could never lead the world in the ways the West had

2020-03-26 21:05:44 UTC  

Nobody but European stock could have created this

2020-03-26 21:05:51 UTC  

ooooooooooooooooooooo i want this to be true

2020-03-26 21:06:00 UTC  

that would complete the projection circle

2020-03-26 21:08:15 UTC  


2020-03-26 21:14:29 UTC  

>>The numbers are in, the virus isn't nearly as badly as we thought and there's already a downward slope in death

2020-03-26 21:15:00 UTC  

Yeah... I don't know where you got that silly idea from. This disease will kill 160 million people even if it only kills 2 percent of the people who get it

2020-03-26 21:15:48 UTC  

If it "wasn't that serious": we wouldn't even be considering this

2020-03-26 21:18:24 UTC  

"Just flu bro"

2020-03-26 21:18:50 UTC  

We should have every "just flu bro" be sent to Wuhan or Italy and then hang out there for 3 months so they can report how 'flu' like it is.

2020-03-26 21:23:03 UTC  

I completely agree

2020-03-26 21:24:18 UTC  

What a rich and diverse race of cultured intellectuals. Fucking bug people man

2020-03-26 21:24:42 UTC  

We should have let Mcarthur nuke them

2020-03-26 21:25:13 UTC  

We should drop one nuclear weapon on them for every 10 million people that die.

2020-03-26 21:25:18 UTC  


2020-03-26 21:29:56 UTC  


2020-03-26 21:29:56 UTC  

The Allies should've invaded the USSR after Nazi Germany had been defeated, and then China, and rid the world of both evils.

2020-03-26 21:30:42 UTC  

Orrrrrrr we could have just allied with Germany

2020-03-26 21:30:49 UTC  

Go away Rommel

2020-03-26 21:30:52 UTC  

And gotten rid of all the marxists, jews and nogs

2020-03-26 21:31:04 UTC  

Go commit Hitler bunker

2020-03-26 21:31:20 UTC  

What a world it would have been

2020-03-26 21:31:29 UTC  


2020-03-26 21:31:37 UTC  

No kike owned central banks