Message from @Montanan
Discord ID: 312497021422403584
Neither my genes or my culture are jewish.
OMG I should get tested. What a sin. You cannot spread judaism in good faith!
Scots, Irish, and English.
Holy shit dude... I think I found your Middle School yearbook photo:
You are an ass
Yup. ^_^
Fireball is a nigger btw.
In you opinion, how can individuals in society better serve the 14 words?
Settle down, have kids, raise them well, and teach them not to hate themselves.
This is one of the reasons I think white identity is important: when you see someone of any race, and tell them they're "acting white", it generally just means they're acting with responsibility.
Like, during my childhood, I spent a few years going to schools where the majority of students were black. Every time a niglet behaved themselves, spoke proper English, and did their work on time, their nigger classmates told him he was "acting white" and ridiculed them for it.
They've created a negative stereotype for themselves, that to be black is to be stupid and uncouth, and to be white is to be principled.
smdhtbh famalam
Okay, we got the race demographic. What about the age demographic? I'm older than most here, undoubtably
How old are you?
Old enough to be born into debt and be a debt free landowner.
Well I'm 25, so you're probably older than I am.
Is that in itself degeneracy?
From what I understand, the age question really varies. People talk about The Greatest Generation and those preceding it being ideal, but afterwards, it really just depends.
I think it's more of an aesthetic imperative, rather than a moral one. Nothing wrong with being with a younger woman, but it's a bit creepy if you've got liver spots and you're chasing teenagers.
You know... in your mobilized scooter, because osteoporosis is a bitch.
IMO 25 year old white gf never had kids and wants them, good right?
I'd say so. At least in my personal experience, the less a woman wants children, the more terrible of a mother they'll turn out to be.
Tolerates the JQ but laughs it off.
And I don't think there's anything worse for a developing child than to live under the clout of a selfish mother who despises and rues the existence of their own children.
> At least in my personal experience, the less a woman wants children, the more terrible of a mother they'll turn out to be
I may have rustled your inner dindu jimmies, but I'm not wrong. 😛
nah, you're right
i have been told i'd make a good mother on multiple occasions 🤔 what does this mean
I... don't know.
Was it a tranny who told you that?
no lol
Are you... dare I ask.... one of the kitchen people... err... women-folk?
i think it's just because i'm pretty nice
yes, i am
Because if you are.... what are you doing on here?
Why aren't you making me breakfast?