Message from @phadreus

Discord ID: 685031033628000288

2020-03-05 07:45:34 UTC  

nah, it's just a push for electronic/online voting

2020-03-05 07:45:38 UTC  

great depression crash

2020-03-05 07:45:40 UTC  

that's where I draw the line, this should crash China's economy, surely, but not America's

2020-03-05 07:45:49 UTC  
2020-03-05 07:46:00 UTC  


2020-03-05 07:46:03 UTC  

get fucked

2020-03-05 07:46:06 UTC  

i'm sick of autistic niggas spreading panic

2020-03-05 07:46:21 UTC  

how am I spreading panic?

2020-03-05 07:46:22 UTC  

go back to sniffing your cocaine nigga

2020-03-05 07:46:25 UTC  

literaly retard

2020-03-05 07:46:47 UTC  

its not panic to recommend common sense safety measures like sealed food and water

2020-03-05 07:46:49 UTC  

everything I've said just show that it's nothing

2020-03-05 07:46:55 UTC

2020-03-05 07:47:02 UTC  

communism is gonna be the death of me. just never imagined that it would be accidental.

2020-03-05 07:47:18 UTC  

@NoComply I just had 10

2020-03-05 07:47:25 UTC  

I should be immune

2020-03-05 07:47:56 UTC  

those are rookie numbers, gotta pump them up!

2020-03-05 07:48:18 UTC  

don't fucking talk to me till the whiskey is below the sticker

2020-03-05 07:48:33 UTC  

Idk, I've decided drinking more than half a pint at a time is a bad idea

2020-03-05 07:48:38 UTC  

I fully expect a food run in my area. the cases in chicago just petered out all of a sudden I'm guessing that's because there's lots of cases already that are going unreported.

2020-03-05 07:48:45 UTC  

I'd show you why but I'd get banned for gore

2020-03-05 07:48:51 UTC  

and even then, black label or get the fuck out

2020-03-05 07:49:16 UTC  

we wont know the true death rate until its literally everywhere

2020-03-05 07:49:33 UTC  

canned foods, people. get into it

2020-03-05 07:49:42 UTC  

I'm kinda in a good position, I've already got heaps of food and water ready. Also able to get water from near by.

2020-03-05 07:50:15 UTC  

toilet paper and medicine is also important

2020-03-05 07:50:24 UTC  

I've got a super freezer and a generator with enough gas to last for weeks.

2020-03-05 07:50:36 UTC  

my local stores have almost run out of toilet paper.

2020-03-05 07:50:52 UTC  

also I'm naturaly lazy and I buy in bulk so I have a huge supply of frozen bread.

2020-03-05 07:50:59 UTC  


2020-03-05 07:51:12 UTC  

@honkhonk it's simple, hide your power level, hide your weapons

2020-03-05 07:51:31 UTC  

is that just for you?

2020-03-05 07:51:50 UTC  

cu'z that might only last a few days

2020-03-05 07:52:51 UTC  

but atleast it's something

2020-03-05 07:53:00 UTC  


2020-03-05 07:53:15 UTC  

>5 pounds potatoes
>5 pounds rice
>4 pounds beans
>8 cans refried beans
>9 cans tuna
>4 pounds granola
>6 pounds pb
>2 boxes crackers

2020-03-05 07:53:17 UTC  

you basically arent allowed to defend yourself

2020-03-05 07:53:19 UTC  

its fucked

2020-03-05 07:53:28 UTC  

Also have frozen bread and perishables

2020-03-05 07:54:05 UTC  

And 15 gallons of bottled water

2020-03-05 07:54:12 UTC  

This is all stuff I eat regularly as well