Message from @Cody

Discord ID: 505291464062795776

2018-10-26 08:01:46 UTC  

She has abandoned troops abroad, leak confidential government documents to other country's, and let's not forget her server

2018-10-26 08:01:55 UTC  

its all what is Credible news and what is being hidden from people to push a agenda

2018-10-26 08:02:16 UTC  

that server should have been the end for her

2018-10-26 08:02:27 UTC  

Which was easily hackable and had our CIA's operations and real names and pictures or operatives

2018-10-26 08:02:30 UTC  

because people in the military who leaked 1 document gets thrown in prison

2018-10-26 08:03:07 UTC  

that server should have been the nail in the coffin in my opinion

2018-10-26 08:03:33 UTC  

What ever happened to traitors being put to death

2018-10-26 08:03:40 UTC  

Its money

2018-10-26 08:03:46 UTC  

its all about money nowadays

2018-10-26 08:04:31 UTC  

You know I was gonna go into the military back in 2016

2018-10-26 08:04:38 UTC  

really ?

2018-10-26 08:04:59 UTC  

i got 1 friend who is in the US airforce one thats in the navy and i played games with some guys in the marines

2018-10-26 08:04:59 UTC  

But I was really afraid of what would happen if Hillary was elected

2018-10-26 08:05:10 UTC  

i can believe that

2018-10-26 08:05:18 UTC  

you would be at war with russia no

2018-10-26 08:05:24 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:05:50 UTC  

brb nature calls

2018-10-26 08:06:00 UTC  

Hillary puts on that fuckinh bs about Russia but she wouldn't attack them

2018-10-26 08:06:50 UTC  

Funny part is that if there was collusion in the 2016 election it was with Hillary Clinton becuase she has good trade deals with Russia

2018-10-26 08:07:17 UTC  

Liberals always project

2018-10-26 08:07:52 UTC  

And I respect the armed forces so much

2018-10-26 08:08:02 UTC  

And I hate my own cowardice

2018-10-26 08:09:09 UTC  

I think we need to distinguish liberals via country my liberals are centre and conservative vs the US they are more right leaning our nationalists are centre left and pro black nationalist

2018-10-26 08:09:38 UTC  

Its weird how partys are formed on values

2018-10-26 08:10:02 UTC  

In the US liberals are social liberals

2018-10-26 08:10:10 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:10:13 UTC  

And conservatives are classical liberals

2018-10-26 08:10:21 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:10:35 UTC  

Not always true but that's s good generalization

2018-10-26 08:10:54 UTC  

Our next presidential elections is next year in may hopefully the marxists dont win

2018-10-26 08:11:11 UTC  

Conservatives aren't all just classical liberals, there are also ancaps

2018-10-26 08:11:17 UTC  

Its a garentee if the Eff win the electiom we go into civil war.

2018-10-26 08:11:38 UTC  

I got a friend who is from texas is ancap lol

2018-10-26 08:11:56 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:12:04 UTC  

I mean the difference between left and right in the USA is mostly the thought on 'live and let live)

2018-10-26 08:12:05 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:12:14 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:12:22 UTC  


2018-10-26 08:12:30 UTC  

My favourite one he told me are " Am i being detained !!

2018-10-26 08:12:36 UTC  

I'm an anarchocapitalist

2018-10-26 08:12:40 UTC  

I'm joking of course