Message from @phonejjabrams
Discord ID: 323198142738726922
We see this in Germany with the Afd for example. And don't think for a second our enemies and the media won't point out how divided we are
We have to be a unit and ensure that we fight together even with our differences. What we fight for is bigger than the often bs drama we deal with.
I know the word solidarity has a lot of baggage but
We need to show solidarity with our brothers.
We have to put a few issues above everything else
And right now that is keeping our demographics stable and aiming to reverse them
Furthermore limiting and undermining the influence and power that our enemies hd.
After that we can focus on reviving a healthy and virtuous European mindset and attitude in our people
This is one drawback of identity politics
Arguing pedantically about definitions
I agree.
I personly disagree with a lot of things some people say but
There's a time and place for everythig
We can both agree that ur gey
Right Jens. Trying to do that. But the issue isn't going away. I dont treat pagans like shit...they treat me like might want to go tell all that to them. I mean yes, try to ignore it, but they are spreading lies that are harmful to our race (we should permanently abandon Christianity)
No no
I know pretorius
At all
I agree with you actually
>tfw you have no idea what Jens means
>tfw Jens is probably a hebrew
Heh how
We can't just be cucks and let them walk all over is spreading false information.
I want the same thing, but my work to show normies and young people the truth about our faith is hamstrung by varg tards
I actually have no issue with pagans
No we have to keep them in line too
I hope it works out ...if anything...maybe we need that might be a better aesthetic for times of guerilla war
Well I will always stand by my religion over everything
But its not like having in house discussions is a waste of time
If anything constantly trying to convert normies is a waste of time.
Shitposting and disrespecting people..yeh that is bs
I second that
But more and more I see Varg as a pseudo intellectual who does more harm than good
I think theres a lot of normies that hold our views though
We just have to show them the community