Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl

Discord ID: 692140004092280844

2020-03-24 22:34:38 UTC  

if u have the assault rifle why dont you just sit in a corner and snipe he spider

2020-03-24 22:34:56 UTC  

pajeets fucking hitting people lol

2020-03-24 22:34:58 UTC  

Don’t have a mod for it and im forced to be close with the spider in thst part

2020-03-24 22:35:22 UTC  

Also yes the heavy machine gun and the assault rifle are referring to the same thing

2020-03-24 22:35:30 UTC  

thats dumb as shit

2020-03-24 22:35:34 UTC  

In DE it’s called the Heavy Cannon for fucks sake

2020-03-24 22:35:41 UTC  

If i was talking about the chaingun

2020-03-24 22:35:45 UTC  

I’d call it the chaingun

2020-03-24 22:35:48 UTC

2020-03-24 22:35:53 UTC  

it has lower damage per bullet than the starter pistol lol

2020-03-24 22:36:03 UTC  

@Cryrosphere why dont you charge attack with the pistol

2020-03-24 22:36:10 UTC  

There is no pistol

2020-03-24 22:36:14 UTC  

In Eternal

2020-03-24 22:36:20 UTC  

no pistol?

2020-03-24 22:36:28 UTC  

so what happens if u run out of amo in every weapon

2020-03-24 22:36:31 UTC  

Yes cause the pistol was useless

2020-03-24 22:36:33 UTC  


2020-03-24 22:36:41 UTC  

what if youre out of chainsaw ammo

2020-03-24 22:36:51 UTC  

Chainsaw auto refills to one if it’s out of diesel feul

2020-03-24 22:37:01 UTC  

It has 3 feul charges

2020-03-24 22:37:16 UTC  

well the pistol was useless i agree

2020-03-24 22:37:20 UTC  

but the chainsaw is

2020-03-24 22:37:26 UTC  

not the most reliable back up weapon

2020-03-24 22:37:37 UTC  

It’s not a weapon per say

2020-03-24 22:37:40 UTC  

if it auto refills to only 1 youre basically boned in any of the later levels

2020-03-24 22:37:42 UTC  

You use it to get ammo

2020-03-24 22:37:50 UTC  

you can only kill the weakest enemies with a level 1 chainsaw

2020-03-24 22:38:11 UTC  

3 charges can kill most of the heavy and below enemies

2020-03-24 22:38:16 UTC  

1 is just light enemies

2020-03-24 22:38:17 UTC  

so if youre fighting hell barons and run out of ammo youre kind of shit out of luck

2020-03-24 22:39:33 UTC  

They auto spawn zombies

2020-03-24 22:39:44 UTC  

If there is a big boy around

2020-03-24 22:40:28 UTC  


2020-03-24 22:40:33 UTC  

thats kinda bad

2020-03-24 22:40:40 UTC  

in 2016 only banshees could summon goons

2020-03-24 22:40:45 UTC  


2020-03-24 22:40:52 UTC  

The zombies are the little enemies

2020-03-24 22:40:56 UTC  

That are slow

2020-03-24 22:41:01 UTC  

Not the soldiers

2020-03-24 22:41:05 UTC  

how are you supposed to run around if there are infinitely respawning goons runnong around