Message from @halafradrimx

Discord ID: 343080960247463938

2017-08-04 17:08:12 UTC

2017-08-04 17:08:15 UTC

2017-08-04 17:08:48 UTC

2017-08-04 17:09:14 UTC  

Look at that

2017-08-04 17:09:20 UTC  


2017-08-04 17:12:30 UTC  

Ok so we have so far :

@Fireball Bastard
@Abaraxs, Lord of Hosts
@40K helper

me and @sorestree- SD

P.S : I don't know how to play either, but we'll learn 😄

2017-08-04 17:13:11 UTC  

@halafradrimx Have you ever GMed before?

2017-08-04 17:13:47 UTC  

you should do it tbh, fireball

2017-08-04 17:14:07 UTC  
2017-08-04 17:14:37 UTC  

I've done d&d 3.5 and a couple of Pathfinder

2017-08-04 17:16:44 UTC  

@Panzerklown Do you wanna GM for this one, then?

2017-08-04 17:17:03 UTC  

You know he is the Dungeon master 😉

2017-08-04 17:19:22 UTC  

@halafradrimx I've DMed plenty of games in the past. It's been my number 1 hobby for a lot of years. Dark Heresy (the sibling game to Only War), Shadowrun, D&D 3.5 and 5e, Warhammer Fantasy 2e (my favorite), Heroes 5th Edition, among others.

2017-08-04 17:19:27 UTC  

I'll be at your service.

2017-08-04 17:19:50 UTC  

@Fireball Bastard Nigger-loathing dude it is, then

2017-08-04 17:19:51 UTC  


2017-08-04 17:20:00 UTC  

Which one?

2017-08-04 17:20:02 UTC  


2017-08-04 17:20:57 UTC  

@halafradrimx Orks are pretty much space niggers. lol

2017-08-04 17:21:14 UTC  

Violent, reproduces quickly, less-intelligent, subhuman, primitive features.

2017-08-04 17:21:15 UTC  

@Fireball Bastard

No, orks have more class than niggers come on

2017-08-04 17:21:41 UTC  

The only thing that makes orkz more noble than niggers is the fact that they don't rape.

2017-08-04 17:22:02 UTC  


2017-08-04 17:22:08 UTC  

No balls no cock

2017-08-04 17:22:16 UTC  

Just fart out more orcs

2017-08-04 17:22:19 UTC  


2017-08-04 17:24:26 UTC  

Fuck I am hard

2017-08-04 17:24:45 UTC  

All this Orkinesseesees FUCK IT WAAAAAAAGH!!!!

2017-08-04 17:25:23 UTC  

@Abaraxs, Lord of Hosts

We could start a boyz band :

Orkstreet Boyz

2017-08-04 17:25:31 UTC  

@halafradrimx Just for the sake of future interests, there's no "one-game-fits-all" for what you want to do. As you play, you get different preferences.
40k RPGs are for those who like grit; there's a lot of bloodshed, violence, and a good chance you're gonna get your teeth blown out and die if you don't know how to fight tactically (hint: make use of cover and grenades).

2017-08-04 17:25:31 UTC  

It's gonna be waaaghlicious

2017-08-04 17:25:34 UTC  


2017-08-04 17:25:52 UTC  

D&D is great if you want to be big goddamn heroes who take down dragons and shit.

2017-08-04 17:26:15 UTC  

@Fireball Bastard

Gotcha, I'll be extra careful and sheeeit

2017-08-04 17:26:54 UTC  

Heads up: out of all the games for 40k, Only War has the highest body count. Be prepared to die, or if you're GMing, kill your players. It's hard for GMs to do sometimes.

2017-08-04 17:27:34 UTC  

Wait but if players die too often how are they supposed to finish the game?

2017-08-04 17:27:42 UTC  

We should record our sessions, I think John could help with that

2017-08-04 17:27:47 UTC  

Make new characters.

2017-08-04 17:28:01 UTC  

See, in the game you have Fate Points.

2017-08-04 17:28:04 UTC  

@Fireball Bastard

But I don't wanna lose my characters D: