Message from @Cryrosphere

Discord ID: 693330360330616932

2020-03-28 05:25:50 UTC  

What a shame

2020-03-28 05:25:53 UTC  

This sounds like blue pilled nonsense

2020-03-28 05:25:56 UTC  

It’s their right ninja

2020-03-28 05:25:57 UTC  

Well, in peacetime it's one of the greatest mechanisms for people to climb the socio-economic ladder, and in wartime it's necessary to have voluntary servicemembers to avoid the draft.

2020-03-28 05:26:02 UTC  

im green pilled

2020-03-28 05:26:10 UTC  

The soldiery shouldn't be venerated

2020-03-28 05:26:22 UTC  

The whole "soldiers raping girls" thing is a tired trope from the Vietnam era that hasn't reflected any aspect of the US military for 50 years.

2020-03-28 05:26:26 UTC  

That sounds like ecofascism @ODST

2020-03-28 05:26:31 UTC  


2020-03-28 05:26:31 UTC  

uhuh sure

2020-03-28 05:26:35 UTC  

I heard us soldiers eat babies too

2020-03-28 05:26:37 UTC  


2020-03-28 05:26:38 UTC  

Eco is based

2020-03-28 05:26:40 UTC  

Bold claims require bold evidence.

2020-03-28 05:26:42 UTC  

i made my computer out of rocks and grasss

2020-03-28 05:26:48 UTC  

"muslim age of consent is 13, so yeah the soldiers there were just obeying the local customs and law"

2020-03-28 05:26:55 UTC  

psu is a big potato

2020-03-28 05:26:58 UTC  


2020-03-28 05:26:59 UTC  

Nigga fuck off that doesn’t happen

2020-03-28 05:27:11 UTC  

odin gave me knowledge

2020-03-28 05:27:19 UTC  

Or not nearly as much as you’re making it out to be

2020-03-28 05:27:20 UTC  

The wrinkle in your argument here is that the culture you're defending *advocates* for the persecution and treatment of women as objects.

2020-03-28 05:27:22 UTC  

muslims don't have age of consent

2020-03-28 05:27:31 UTC  

@ODST Based

2020-03-28 05:27:35 UTC  

The odin that is

2020-03-28 05:27:37 UTC  

Not muslims

2020-03-28 05:27:49 UTC  

Kill nature it causes pedophilia

2020-03-28 05:27:56 UTC  

Problem here is that you don't find bombing Muslims to be a nice day out. SMH

2020-03-28 05:27:58 UTC  

Kill cryosphere

2020-03-28 05:27:58 UTC  


2020-03-28 05:28:03 UTC  
2020-03-28 05:28:06 UTC  

Fuck off clyde

2020-03-28 05:28:07 UTC  

He causes retardation

2020-03-28 05:28:24 UTC  

11:50 "private spacecraft are just not going to be allowed for several reasons

2020-03-28 05:28:31 UTC  


2020-03-28 05:28:41 UTC  

This video aged like fucking milk

2020-03-28 05:28:48 UTC  

Here's the difference - you'll have to scour the internet to find one alleged sexual assault committed overseas by a US servicemember - but you'll find countless articles detailing the Muslim rape gangs ravaging Europe.

2020-03-28 05:28:49 UTC  

One can tell how someone will treat a person by how they treat an animal

2020-03-28 05:28:58 UTC  

Cryosphere is a full-bore cunt

2020-03-28 05:28:58 UTC  

"Private spacecraft are just not going to be allowed"

2020-03-28 05:29:03 UTC  

Also if soldiers do shit like that