Message from @svarozhyc

Discord ID: 685480190402363401

2020-03-06 13:27:53 UTC  

did they have the high ground?

2020-03-06 13:28:17 UTC  

we live off the light emited by monitors eh

2020-03-06 13:28:36 UTC  

We're more fungus in that case

2020-03-06 13:29:16 UTC  

what are your guys' thoughts on vaush?

2020-03-06 13:29:27 UTC  


2020-03-06 13:29:34 UTC  

Don't care

2020-03-06 13:29:42 UTC  


2020-03-06 13:29:46 UTC  

vaush is a communist he's basically not even human

2020-03-06 13:30:08 UTC  

Putting communist and human in one sentence<:disgusteng:595338918044500041>

2020-03-06 13:30:16 UTC  

In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take human life.

He replied :

“I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed communists"

2020-03-06 13:30:19 UTC  

Vaush is mad retarded, he got destroyed by sargon of all people.

2020-03-06 13:30:28 UTC  

AR-15, bomb, president, white house, nuke, anthrax, Air Force One, IED, explosion, russia, china, technology, Obama

2020-03-06 13:30:37 UTC  

And stefan molymeme ripped him a new asshole

2020-03-06 13:31:07 UTC  

> post story but im giving a <:Doubt:588038713938804760> by defautl
@svarozhyc well the officer was rather short.

Long story short I and a comrade were going to the kgb museum and stupid Moscow planners put the actual kgb building, the Russian equivalent to the pentagon, literally across the street. Very easy to confuse the two.

The museum was closed so my comrade suggested we visit the next site building to see if anything interesting is there. Immediate regret.

A hole opens in the ceiling and a speaker comes down screaming at us to leave. Outside a friendly police man sees us and nods his head. He speaks in broken words "ehhhhhhh this building? Not for you".

2020-03-06 13:31:28 UTC  

the last debate between vaush and Sargon, Vaush won

2020-03-06 13:32:02 UTC  

you mean vaush successfully talked over sargon

2020-03-06 13:32:06 UTC  

bc thats the only way he can "win"

2020-03-06 13:32:10 UTC  

Did he confirm his name?

2020-03-06 13:32:27 UTC  

I will say the kgb have very fancy technology. All that first world degeneracy and shit.

2020-03-06 13:32:33 UTC  

well i didn't actually watch it, but i saw people in the comments that people were saying vaush destroyed sargon

2020-03-06 13:33:32 UTC  


2020-03-06 13:33:36 UTC  


2020-03-06 13:33:44 UTC  

Lucky you came back at all @Knight Ani Cringewalker

2020-03-06 13:33:45 UTC  

Sounds legit

2020-03-06 13:34:45 UTC  

Sargon was mad retarded in the debate but he still won

2020-03-06 13:35:04 UTC  

Vaush just freaked out over terms and definitions

2020-03-06 13:35:10 UTC  

both lost tbh

2020-03-06 13:35:17 UTC  

The art won

2020-03-06 13:35:39 UTC  

That’s the best way to describe it honestly @2K

2020-03-06 13:35:42 UTC  

Where two argue there tism prevails

2020-03-06 13:35:43 UTC  

I lost at Molymeme debate, because I'm so fucking over Vaush's debate style

2020-03-06 13:36:10 UTC  

never again

2020-03-06 13:36:23 UTC  

I can't handle molymeme I've had nuff cult leaders

2020-03-06 13:36:26 UTC  

what are your guys' thoughts on Shaun, Hbomberguy, Contrapoints and Three arrows?

2020-03-06 13:36:52 UTC  

Shaun never had any jen

2020-03-06 13:37:01 UTC  

They’re all mad gay

2020-03-06 13:37:01 UTC  

dunno, dunno, dunno, dunno

2020-03-06 13:37:15 UTC  

Hbomber had his grey matter fission from fat

2020-03-06 13:37:17 UTC  

> Lucky you came back at all
@svarozhyc oh the best part was when a homeless man came up to us after. If you know anything about Moscow you know homeless people don't exist in glorious socialist utopia and you are clearly delusional comrad, if you think there are. But anyway this deshelveled comrad comes up to us and in an accent that is more or less the accent of educated comrades says "ahh, young spies, you were caught? No worries. We have camera all over. We sometimes use the photos on the shooting range. You serve the state well"....😬😬😬😬

2020-03-06 13:37:25 UTC  

Contra is a cool dude but too in your face

2020-03-06 13:37:36 UTC  

And three arrows I've no idea