Message from @phadreus

Discord ID: 688748618915905800

2020-03-15 13:58:31 UTC  

@phadreus It was like that for a while, but not so much anymore.

2020-03-15 13:58:35 UTC  

Tim Pool's documentary was creepy

2020-03-15 13:58:40 UTC  

he deported a large number but basically operated the border as if it was open

2020-03-15 13:58:41 UTC  

Legit creeped me out

2020-03-15 13:58:52 UTC  

so hed let the fuckers get in in the first plcae

2020-03-15 13:58:59 UTC  

The lefties did have quite the strangle hold on public discourse. People were worried about losing their jobs if they uttered even the slightest critical statement about the immigration.

2020-03-15 13:59:07 UTC  

@UnScottable So really didn't make much of a difference and didn't he start the DACA programme??

2020-03-15 13:59:20 UTC  

Because they would actually get fired from their jobs if their bosses found out they had something against immigration.

2020-03-15 13:59:25 UTC  

the deportations were just a cover for the hundreds of thousands that were entering lol

2020-03-15 13:59:39 UTC  

and yea obama started DACA

2020-03-15 13:59:44 UTC  

Tim had people whispering about stuff in their own houses

2020-03-15 13:59:46 UTC  


2020-03-15 13:59:56 UTC  


2020-03-15 13:59:58 UTC  

Not so much anymore.
I mean you'll be in trouble if you express yourself like a neo-nazi in social media and your employer finds out.

But you won't be immediately fired simply for admitting that you vote for the rightwing nationalists.

2020-03-15 14:00:07 UTC  

As you would be likr 4-6 years ago

2020-03-15 14:00:27 UTC  

good, didnt need that job anyways

2020-03-15 14:00:31 UTC  

@Seven Proxies Can you get in legal trouble for being a radical or natsoc?

2020-03-15 14:00:31 UTC  


2020-03-15 14:00:35 UTC  

That said people do worry a lot about what their friends or neighbours might think.

2020-03-15 14:00:49 UTC  

@phadreus Uhm, usually not, but we do have hatespeech laws

2020-03-15 14:01:07 UTC  

I'm just confused what happened to my friend there

2020-03-15 14:01:17 UTC  

But it's very circumstantial. You basically have to clear cut incite violence against minorities in a way that can't be misinterprated.

2020-03-15 14:01:19 UTC  

Guess they got him on hate speech

2020-03-15 14:01:26 UTC  

Where's angry foreigner to explain it all.

2020-03-15 14:01:41 UTC  

So in that sense, the laws are actually more lax than compared to the UK where you can't legally utter any criticism of muslims whatsoever.

2020-03-15 14:01:42 UTC  

All the Swedish YT people are fucking annoying

2020-03-15 14:01:50 UTC  

Peter Sweden is legit retarded

2020-03-15 14:01:58 UTC  

And angry Foreigner is a worm

2020-03-15 14:02:20 UTC  

@phadreus Angry Foreigner is pretty on point with all he does. But Peter Sweden is just a sellout

2020-03-15 14:02:51 UTC  

Angry Foreigner got upset because not enough people were paying him.

2020-03-15 14:03:02 UTC  

It just pissed me the fuck off

2020-03-15 14:03:21 UTC  

But to get back to it: you can say shit like "jews run the world behind the scenes" or other natsoc rhetoric.

But if you call for violence against jews or basically defame the entire minority like saying all jews are rapists or pedophiles, then you might get in legal trouble.

2020-03-15 14:03:28 UTC  

Dude makes 2 videos a month and is complaining about making like 500 bucks a month for that <:disgusteng:595338918044500041>

2020-03-15 14:04:03 UTC  

I unfollwed, reposted his rant on Minds, expressed by disgust and suggested people unfollw him

2020-03-15 14:04:10 UTC  

Then boosted it five tokens

2020-03-15 14:05:19 UTC  

Yeah but Youtube has been hitting his channel hard, just like all the others. I'd be pissed too because he could probably make more if it wasn't for shadowbanning, limited modes and what have you.

2020-03-15 14:05:25 UTC  

the killstream last night was HILARIOUS

2020-03-15 14:05:31 UTC  


2020-03-15 14:05:46 UTC  

@UnScottable Ralph should have stayed sober

2020-03-15 14:05:51 UTC  


2020-03-15 14:06:03 UTC  

@Seven Proxies Yeah, Idk