Message from @Kazza

Discord ID: 692105818627112971

2020-03-24 20:18:00 UTC  

Do you just sit in your house 24/7

2020-03-24 20:18:02 UTC  

imagine if the C-virus just created a cocoon for newborn furries, like when we begin to open back up to the world half of it is just degenerate furries

2020-03-24 20:18:04 UTC  

All day every day

2020-03-24 20:18:05 UTC  

@David[147IQ] JIDF guzzles cum in an alley

2020-03-24 20:18:23 UTC  

he looks at getting ventillators 'from somewhere' rather than on the level of 'how do we mobilize as much production as possible'?

2020-03-24 20:18:57 UTC  

Okay retard old man

2020-03-24 20:19:05 UTC  

@IllNero Well, Nero. Call Brutus, gather nails and wood. Degenerates like them belong on the cross.

2020-03-24 20:19:06 UTC  

Did you change your diaper yet?

2020-03-24 20:19:15 UTC  

Because i know you dont leave your chair @ManAnimal

2020-03-24 20:19:24 UTC  

there is a whole open-hardware community that could come up with 100s of designs that would do the job

2020-03-24 20:19:55 UTC  

my Step No. 2 encapsulates the 'provide pardons' concern

2020-03-24 20:20:05 UTC  

Designs aren't that much of an issue, it's the production. But yeah, probably many could make some of those with enough incentives, though quality would be very uneven and use come with some risks

2020-03-24 20:20:33 UTC  

Just a heads up UK lads

2020-03-24 20:20:36 UTC  

im in the military

2020-03-24 20:20:41 UTC  

Ive just been asked

2020-03-24 20:21:02 UTC  

it's two fold: 1) develop as many different designs and you can think of 2) canabalize existing components to create as many ventilators as possible

2020-03-24 20:21:12 UTC  

hundreds of designs thatd kill people you mean

2020-03-24 20:21:13 UTC  

In the coming months, that I should help out with the moving of the recently deceased from coronavirus

2020-03-24 20:21:14 UTC  


2020-03-24 20:21:15 UTC  

That means

2020-03-24 20:21:25 UTC  

That its going to get as bad as spain and italy at least.

2020-03-24 20:21:26 UTC  

because none of them has any mdical training

2020-03-24 20:21:38 UTC  

design doesn't mean shit if you can't put it to use

2020-03-24 20:21:56 UTC  

btw this is a great time for a secession

2020-03-24 20:22:13 UTC  

if i had a schematic, i can easily create a version which utilizes an arduino, raspi, PIC, motorolla, STM or a dozen other microcontrollers

2020-03-24 20:22:21 UTC  

@Kazza Maybe its preparations just in case. Hope they'll dole you out some protective gear for this at least

2020-03-24 20:22:32 UTC  

@Kazza arent you a neet

2020-03-24 20:22:51 UTC  

people could then make videos of how to salvage parts, where to ship them as well as how to build the designs

2020-03-24 20:23:00 UTC  


2020-03-24 20:23:12 UTC  

>DIY ventilators

2020-03-24 20:23:17 UTC  

fucking 1000s of people just sitting on their hands right now with a computer and a mailbox

2020-03-24 20:23:34 UTC  

>headlines in a week: thousands die of poorly made ventilatrs

2020-03-24 20:23:49 UTC  

and 1000s of hobbists with the tools and the know how to build shit

2020-03-24 20:24:11 UTC  

this is 2020. people still thinking like it is 1980

2020-03-24 20:24:37 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl Just ventilators themselves don't require medical degree. They're just a component, even relatively okay made one would work somewhat - with some designs to base those off, someone who already makes similar bits with a 3D printer or whatever could manage. It's just the quality would be likely subpar compared to stuff fabricated by professionals. But it could save some lives.

2020-03-24 20:25:02 UTC  

>tfw focusing on ventilators and not the lack of medical staff to watch over them

2020-03-24 20:25:02 UTC  


2020-03-24 20:25:08 UTC  

smooth brains, the lot of you

2020-03-24 20:25:17 UTC  

which is why the cascading standards is the secondary component

2020-03-24 20:25:41 UTC  

@IllNero The issue right now is supply of ventilators. And that's the issue we discuss. No one here claimed we have an idea how to solve all epidemy related issues ever.

2020-03-24 20:26:11 UTC  

after you have as many 'make-shift-units', you go back and provide higher and higher degrees of qualification and certififcation