Message from @Scale_e

Discord ID: 695031750308528198

2020-04-01 22:06:04 UTC  

It's the Gadsden Flag

2020-04-01 22:06:10 UTC  

lol; tards

2020-04-01 22:06:10 UTC  

How can you just enter a discord by chance ? @NinaRuss?

2020-04-01 22:06:14 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 If I blocked you it was because you were being a sperg or blatant troll.
I’m fine with people who disagree with me. That I haven’t blocked MA or masterrace is evidence of that... and those guys really grind my gears.
If I blocked you it’s because you were being a disingenuous sperg. Or spamming. Or something similar.

2020-04-01 22:06:31 UTC  


2020-04-01 22:06:32 UTC  

how come you're here berry?

2020-04-01 22:06:34 UTC  

What motivated you to join this discord @NinaRuss m

2020-04-01 22:06:39 UTC  

@Scale_e aww... i am hurt to hear you say that

2020-04-01 22:06:43 UTC  


2020-04-01 22:06:58 UTC  

Not suprised those

2020-04-01 22:07:01 UTC  

You're a man of principles, I appreciate

2020-04-01 22:07:07 UTC  

Jk I hope you die

2020-04-01 22:07:12 UTC  

@NinaRuss need advice on her to get a girlfriend, sometimes I get bored and I don't have a lot of friends.

2020-04-01 22:07:14 UTC  

MOST heterosexual alpha males 'grind your gears'

2020-04-01 22:07:15 UTC  

I don’t mind arguing with you ma

2020-04-01 22:07:24 UTC  

lol; thanks

2020-04-01 22:07:33 UTC  

I like arguing

2020-04-01 22:07:38 UTC  

maybe you should get friends first? 😄

2020-04-01 22:07:44 UTC  

rather interesting that berry and nina keep talking to each other <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2020-04-01 22:07:51 UTC  

@NinaRuss I'm too annoying to have friends.

2020-04-01 22:08:02 UTC  

And, for real, I’m married.
You need to get over the fact that im not going to fuck you.
For real dude. Take a cold shower. Stop soliciting me.

2020-04-01 22:08:05 UTC  

At least Nina isn't as spergy, even if they're the same person

2020-04-01 22:08:22 UTC  

@berryboy99 oh hey you took my advice and that is the first step of commendation, here is bar of soap, never drop this bar of soap.

2020-04-01 22:08:22 UTC  

@Scale_e not in your wildest fantasies.... but your wife?

2020-04-01 22:08:30 UTC  

I vote berry leaves and stays here with the nina personality

2020-04-01 22:08:31 UTC  

Rolli tell me

2020-04-01 22:08:38 UTC  

Everytime I make a friend they sort of repel from me after being annoying.

2020-04-01 22:08:44 UTC  

@NinaRuss You still need an avatar

2020-04-01 22:08:54 UTC  

@ManAnimal Not a chance.

2020-04-01 22:08:56 UTC  

@NinaRuss I suggest getting on it

2020-04-01 22:09:01 UTC  

sorry Redxl

2020-04-01 22:09:04 UTC  

Besides, I’ve got a type. And you aren’t it.

2020-04-01 22:09:10 UTC  

otherwise? 😄

2020-04-01 22:09:10 UTC  

just a suggestion

2020-04-01 22:09:14 UTC  

Oh man mods are gonna have a field day with this

2020-04-01 22:09:22 UTC

2020-04-01 22:09:22 UTC  

Especially Coomando

2020-04-01 22:09:23 UTC  

you re free to gamble with the variables

2020-04-01 22:09:28 UTC  

Wasn't talkin bout you, fool. was talkin bout your waifu

2020-04-01 22:10:00 UTC  


2020-04-01 22:10:04 UTC  

Stop soliciting me