Message from @DrWittMDPhD

Discord ID: 512188626390614026

2018-11-14 08:47:32 UTC  

Oh yeah he also was talking about how the holocaust was a hoax

2018-11-14 08:47:50 UTC  

Every conspiracy out there he mentioned

2018-11-14 08:47:59 UTC  

JFK was killed by Jews too

2018-11-14 08:48:07 UTC  

what if all conspiracies are a conspiracy

2018-11-14 08:48:07 UTC  

Cause fuck these 'historians', only liars, what I haven't seen isn't real. <:thefuck:501836303516696576>

2018-11-14 08:49:54 UTC  

So uh who else wishes Ross Perot and/or Ron Paul made it to the presidency?

2018-11-14 08:50:04 UTC  

Nope Trump is my God Emperor

2018-11-14 08:50:41 UTC  

I mean in their respective presidential runs

2018-11-14 08:51:06 UTC  

Trump isn't real cause I can't see him

2018-11-14 08:51:11 UTC  

It's a media hoax.

2018-11-14 08:51:27 UTC  

Cause it's TV, that means it's all made up

2018-11-14 08:51:46 UTC  

All the images, everything single word is manufactured

2018-11-14 08:52:28 UTC  

Actually America has the shape of a triangle

2018-11-14 08:52:31 UTC  

According to my own eyes

2018-11-14 08:53:02 UTC  

Yes, that's right they lied to you, America is a 🔺

2018-11-14 08:53:44 UTC  

And I identify as a toucan

2018-11-14 08:53:54 UTC  

The internet isn't real cause I've never seen a server

2018-11-14 08:54:05 UTC  

This is all an AI that is in my phone and computer

2018-11-14 08:54:30 UTC  

The internet isn't real cause I can't see the magnetic waves with my eyes

2018-11-14 08:54:36 UTC  


2018-11-14 08:54:44 UTC  

Wifi gives you space AIDS

2018-11-14 08:55:18 UTC  

Space aids is what the GOVERNMENT calls 'POLLUTION'

2018-11-14 08:56:16 UTC  

They use wifi to endoctrinate population in their religious 'science' and manipulate their brains!!!

2018-11-14 08:56:44 UTC  

I read that on internet so it's true!! I'm feeling so intelligent and knowledgeable now!!

2018-11-14 08:57:18 UTC  

Yeah pretty much. I thought Ix was a regular old antisemetic marxist, but turns out he's also a nutcase

2018-11-14 08:57:32 UTC  

Why won't people listen to me and let me save them <:FeelsReeMan:448935600473767937>

2018-11-14 08:58:46 UTC  

Did you think it was possible that someone could be a Communist, an antisemite, a holocaust denier, a moon truther, a flat earther, a 9/11 conspiracist, and JFK woke nigga?

2018-11-14 08:58:52 UTC  

fucking forbidden knowledge

2018-11-14 08:59:14 UTC  

only if people who managed to lie to us about flat earth could do something about it

2018-11-14 08:59:33 UTC  

@DrWittMDPhD yes, actually as soon as you start believing in one conspiracy and think 'what is real is what I see' then you go in a spiral.

2018-11-14 09:00:24 UTC  

And you become brain dead

2018-11-14 09:00:39 UTC  

Yeah but how can you be into all those conspiracies and be an authoritarian communist? For someone that distrusts the state SO MUCH why would they not be an AnCom/Cap?

2018-11-14 09:00:55 UTC  

OH also he's a Cold War False Flagger

2018-11-14 09:01:13 UTC  

Literally said that the Cold War was controlled opposition

2018-11-14 09:01:50 UTC  

all tthis makes the us government sound pretty dope :^)

2018-11-14 09:01:51 UTC  

Meanwhile thinking that you are becoming more and more aware and woke about the world's conspiracy, so it makes you proud of yourself to have find out 'such a hoax everyone believes in!'

2018-11-14 09:02:33 UTC  

Yeah I get that, but I can't separate hard core conspiracy nuts with right wing libertarian conspiracy nuts

2018-11-14 09:03:01 UTC  

Idk how you get anywhere other than bottom right on the political spectrum while being a nutcase like that

2018-11-14 09:03:28 UTC  

Once you put a step in it, you can't really go back because it would mean you have been a fucking idiot, and admitting that is worse than pushing further your conspiracy.

2018-11-14 09:03:34 UTC  

You can't be above the axis, cause authority can't be trusted, and you can't be left of the axis because you can't trust other people (the commune)

2018-11-14 09:15:24 UTC  

Oh man, cyberfrog looks amazing