Message from @PointingUp NewsGal

Discord ID: 664359610991378442

2020-01-07 16:20:21 UTC  

click on the help desk voice, left hand column

2020-01-07 16:21:36 UTC  

I’m crash course learning the Discord features , I’ve been in chat since the way back , and was invited in last night by PONG

2020-01-07 16:21:53 UTC  


2020-01-07 16:22:22 UTC  

click on the help desk voice, left hand column

2020-01-07 16:23:07 UTC  

come back in the voice channel

2020-01-07 16:23:43 UTC  

Every time I use voice I can barely hear you , should I have a plug in mic for IPhone?

2020-01-07 16:24:12 UTC  

you can try that, make sure your volume is turned up also

2020-01-07 16:24:27 UTC  

you can try speaker phone first

2020-01-07 16:24:35 UTC  

Ok , I’m gonna get this down.

2020-01-07 16:25:42 UTC  

Let Me charge up again and try , I’m usually kinda tech savvy.

2020-01-07 16:25:59 UTC  


2020-01-07 16:26:32 UTC  

let me know, when you're ready for a sound check

2020-01-07 16:27:20 UTC  

Give me 45 and I will try again, I have a VPN so I don’t know if that’s an issue either, thankyou soo much for your help , you guys & gals are the best.

2020-01-07 16:28:01 UTC  

ok, type in here when ready

2020-01-07 16:39:50 UTC  

Please contact CharlesQ or TJ Spit. They are our welcoming group in PatriotLand. They are tasked with meet and greeting our new potential members. They will do their best to get you vetted, work with you on getting connected in voice, how to post and they will show you all around in discord. We want everyone to be comfortable as you move around in discord. They are our PatirotLand Team that works closely in Patriot News. Feel free to DM CharlesQ or TJ Spit. Thank you and have a great day! @here

2020-01-07 18:22:50 UTC  

@CharlesQ u free

2020-01-07 18:28:20 UTC  

@bear6009 in help desk voice

2020-01-08 06:39:48 UTC  

Hello <@664357309345955850>

2020-01-08 06:46:07 UTC  

Hello <@435902899319472138>

2020-01-08 06:47:54 UTC  

Hello @trip03

2020-01-08 06:50:05 UTC  

Hello <@561240560417898510>

2020-01-08 06:50:55 UTC  

Hello <@421474641870323723>

2020-01-08 06:51:20 UTC  
2020-01-08 06:53:12 UTC  

How are you guys doing today?

2020-01-08 06:59:20 UTC  

@Aus Anon 1188

2020-01-08 07:24:51 UTC  

ok we are here

2020-01-08 07:25:37 UTC  

Hello @Qtown

2020-01-08 07:25:44 UTC  


2020-01-08 07:26:48 UTC  

If you go to #server-guidlines the you can read the rules and then agree with a thumbs up if you agree

2020-01-08 07:27:38 UTC  

we did that

2020-01-08 07:27:50 UTC  

no yellw tag?

2020-01-08 07:29:31 UTC  

ok we did it again

2020-01-08 07:29:56 UTC  
2020-01-08 07:31:36 UTC  

The number should go up when you do the thumbs up.

2020-01-08 07:32:47 UTC  

went from 911 to 912

2020-01-08 07:33:17 UTC  

ive git his push to talk enabed fir him

2020-01-08 07:33:25 UTC  


2020-01-08 07:34:29 UTC  

says voice connected

2020-01-08 07:34:37 UTC  

and we light up

2020-01-08 07:35:29 UTC  

i can hear you