Message from @INNYGMATYK
Discord ID: 673100399464546305
> mfw no play
> mfw no download
It wont load for me
Sounds like a personal problem to me
o hey - it did now
also this
Looks like a profile on a russian dating site
The dad jeans in the background make it
@thedarkness05 now we're fuckin talkin.
@INNYGMATYK fuck bruh, I had that shit saved too
I need me a hand cannon like that
I have looked 5 times. . . where the *fuck* did the 556 pirate pistol go?
I know what you talkin bout. I have it saved.... somewhere
lemme tell you
Jurassic Park got S H E E I T on this **dicc**
cause I mawfkn D U G
Ngl, I'd rock it
Still gotta get myself an actual flintlock, like out of those DIY kits
@thedarkness05im stealing that sweet sweet corona
@FloperatorFatty do it up bruv, just make sure they all know it came from Yan/k/ee with lovr
Will do wilco out
Gang gang
@Stan/k/Herd I need a 203
Put that on a flip flop