Message from @Fe4r_incarnate

Discord ID: 677660588620513291

2020-02-13 23:33:39 UTC  

unregistered machineguns for days

2020-02-13 23:33:47 UTC  

not me, of course.

2020-02-13 23:33:53 UTC  


2020-02-13 23:34:03 UTC  

Only *I* have Linda's number

2020-02-13 23:34:07 UTC  

I mean I still do. I just feel its necessary, just to say I tossed my voice out there. Because when it comes time, I can say I tried the easy way. But people get what they deserve

2020-02-13 23:34:08 UTC  

it had some 7s

2020-02-13 23:34:12 UTC  

I am a law abiding citizen.

2020-02-13 23:34:32 UTC  

Is it icey and visibility is under a car length?
Am I still going to drive like my little carolla is an m1a1 Abrams?

2020-02-13 23:35:11 UTC  

I mean, you can drift both

2020-02-13 23:35:13 UTC  

@thedarkness05 While I agree... I think allowing my fellow americans to try the easy way is the same thing. Voting is just talking with extra steps

2020-02-13 23:35:33 UTC  

I ain't out slotting, but when it comes to that, I will be.

2020-02-13 23:35:43 UTC  

I have no interest making deals with tyrants.

2020-02-13 23:36:06 UTC  

but if my neighbors wanna lick boots for a few more years, and suckle on the hands that feed em, not my problem .

2020-02-13 23:36:28 UTC  

Here's my take on the federal side of the government. No, voting should be local, everything else federally should only be to protect the states and keep a military

2020-02-13 23:36:49 UTC  

Only land owners should be allowed to vote.

2020-02-13 23:36:50 UTC  

@Fe4r_incarnate I feel you man, but there needs to be a system. Anarchy is the absence of a system, and thats short lived. If we dont have something to build, repair, or replace, we become savages yet again. And in savagery there is tyranny

2020-02-13 23:37:01 UTC  

and I don't own land so don't yeet me

2020-02-13 23:37:56 UTC  

@Fe4r_incarnate I got a better idea than land owners. Humor me and wait one

2020-02-13 23:40:16 UTC  

I think something that has been used against us, that we have been blind to, is voting. I think there is a huge misconception that Voting is relevant to freedom. It really isn't. It is quite the opposite. Any time you vote, you are voting for or against a restriction of freedom. You may not even have a dog in the ring, but you are allowed to vote. For example, recently here in Montana, We held a vote on whether or not to raise the taxes on cigarettes. Non smokers voted too. Restricting the right to vote to land owners, and limiting the calls for votes, both decreases potential overreach, mob rule, and odds are, if someone owns land, they are more intelligent and better understand the weight of taxes and laws in a community.

2020-02-13 23:41:10 UTC  

I firmly believe in service guarantees citizenship. And while most people associate that with the military, thats not my only option. So In my perfect system, in order to gain voting rights you'd need to be involved in some sort of activity that has a tangible benifit on your community. Most if not all will be volunteer professions, This can be firefighter, emt, owning a small busisness, forrest service, ect. The idea is if you work hard for the community, you'd want the best for something you helped create

2020-02-13 23:41:14 UTC  

The idea that someone with an IQ of 140 and someone with room temperature IQ should have the same control over one anothers life is laughable. The world is full of Shepherds and sheep. Expecting a sheep to lead shepherds is like expecting a shepherd to follow sheep. It makes no fucking sense and they aren't equals.

2020-02-13 23:42:00 UTC  

I didn't mean to laugh reacc

2020-02-13 23:42:41 UTC  

Its cool. And I forgot to add the minumum time to be in these activities is 2 years. It shows commitment and discipline

2020-02-13 23:44:47 UTC  

I have a few more ideas in how a perfect government should be set up. I've said them a few times, but I'm not up to rehashing them tonight for the most part

2020-02-13 23:45:01 UTC  

I ain't worried about it king

2020-02-13 23:45:16 UTC  

We all be full of ideas and... well... we all know best

2020-02-13 23:45:45 UTC  

But if any of yous is in the Montana area, we should make a Compound.

2020-02-13 23:48:01 UTC  

I got friends in missoula, so I might be up that way at somepoint king

2020-02-14 00:27:55 UTC  

voting age should be 33, you must have children.

2020-02-14 00:28:38 UTC  

@/K/aptainBlastin why 33 or children

2020-02-14 00:28:42 UTC  

I still don't vibe on Democracy - but I could agree to something along those lines

2020-02-14 00:28:55 UTC  

15 years as an adult?

2020-02-14 00:29:10 UTC  

invested in the future and thereby, your fellow men?

2020-02-14 00:29:42 UTC  

@INNYGMATYK that doesnt mean shit. Once an adult you're an adult. Merit should be based on service or property

2020-02-14 00:30:19 UTC  

@mcguyver123 apparently the brain is still developing til 25 ; and 15 years gives a breadth of time for you to get your "" childhood out ""

2020-02-14 00:30:24 UTC  

and find a family

2020-02-14 00:30:29 UTC  

33 because maturity. you just dont have the proper perspective untill you get 3 or more decades past. children because having children is the most likely thing to make someone care about things beyond themselves and about the future. you have stake in the real future once you have children.

2020-02-14 00:30:55 UTC  

33 is an esoterically significant number

2020-02-14 00:31:04 UTC  

we have 33 vertebrate

2020-02-14 00:31:08 UTC  

thats why jesus was 33

2020-02-14 00:31:17 UTC  

and the highest degree in freemasonry is 33