Message from @NiggerLyncher
Discord ID: 296303917116030977
i dont know a store that wouldnt take our stuff down
i already got banned on soundcloud
it can't be too hard to find one if you look at extreme metal and nigger music
there's gotta be some avenue for distribution
I'll look into it, but for now theres the youtube with all the songs
good stuff m8
I also don't want my identity tied to it
maybe we ought to start an e-business
for /pol/ to distribute its media
a kekist amazon with terms of use banning any jewisms
nah but like
I've been thinking to myself for a long while that fashy entertainment could be a hell of a stick to wield
just like maymays, it pushes the zeitgeist
it is, thats why i've been shilling this music for a year or 2
i swear it has an impact
like anything, music, webcomics, indie games
it does
i have consistent viewers
I've seen moonman in more normie e-spaces
some guy in oregon listens to the demon nigger killer hunter chronicles daily
the whole playlist
I make shit half-games as a hobby
you may not like this, but assclowns united lynched moonman
we lynched him for being a nigger by sampling beats
so how bout that Cybernazi and Xurious
are they still active
just looked cybernazi up, looks like he is active
but more importantly
i see he sells his shit on bandcamp
i could probably get away with that then
if they dont ban his shit
oh hey, Xurious is on soundcloud
how didn't he get banned, while you did?