Message from @regularperson5656
Discord ID: 278701640473772032
that security clearance is worth preserving
I can't get one for a looooong time cause I sort of had a thing with a russian chick
I still have it
it costs $$$$$ to get as a civvie
do not lose it brah
I know haha
Holy heckerdoodle
That new logo
Order bull semen @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
logo is bae
I would actually wear / display the logo but I'm going to go for one that has the Red White and Blue flag colors on it
The how to for the smg is just a basic model. Easy to make. You can improve on it all you want and use better materials. I figured id help you out
just for my personal use
Don't forget the bull semen @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Ferment it
idk man we aren't building machineguns, we're civic nationalists who are going to protect communities
Can you get drunk from fermented semen?
go ask Antifa
they would know
Also doctor
Yeah he's playing Lunar Dial (Best girl's theme) on Accordion
People asked thats all
Also its a good just in case type thing.
Fucking retards
^ Is that with the class How To Get Shot 101
lol what
Oh and the machine gun... Its smoothe bore
No tracing the rifling although range is only like 10 ft
I don't hold official authority but I would discourage firearm/explosive discussions