Message from @Abel

Discord ID: 541548779946639390

2019-02-03 09:19:21 UTC  

Actual far left is not a fringe group and are a close majority of people left of centre that still care

2019-02-03 09:19:21 UTC  

yeah, bundle of sticks is one, for sure

2019-02-03 09:19:27 UTC  

The Threat of Tech Censorship: Stefan Molyneux Speaks at the EU Parliament

2019-02-03 09:19:38 UTC  


2019-02-03 09:19:44 UTC  

Actual left of centre has been disenfranchised because "liberals get the bullet too"

2019-02-03 09:19:45 UTC  

you said it, not me

2019-02-03 09:20:02 UTC  

Considering this week if your NOT LEFT and you use the word s : Learn to code , is now considered "HATE SPEECH" should say a lot

2019-02-03 09:20:07 UTC  

centrism is a meme apparently

2019-02-03 09:20:07 UTC  

who actually uses the faggot as fag as an insult?

2019-02-03 09:20:22 UTC  

most insults are fag but not faggot

2019-02-03 09:20:23 UTC  


2019-02-03 09:20:32 UTC  

britons eat pork faggots

2019-02-03 09:20:33 UTC  
2019-02-03 09:20:43 UTC  

sometimes fagit but faggot is a bundle of sticks

2019-02-03 09:20:45 UTC  

>tfw when you're a centrist and everybody thinks you're a meme

2019-02-03 09:20:45 UTC  

that's our boys right there

2019-02-03 09:20:49 UTC  

you know guys

2019-02-03 09:20:56 UTC  

if people read more books

2019-02-03 09:20:57 UTC  

Learn to code is a weird one, because at one stage they were saying white men shouldn't learn to code and should step aside for women of colour to code

2019-02-03 09:21:03 UTC  

people wouldnt be so offended

2019-02-03 09:21:30 UTC  

If people had longer attention spans, they wouldn't be offended

2019-02-03 09:21:38 UTC  

yet learn to code is what the LEFT said 5 years ago to coal miners out of jobs

2019-02-03 09:21:40 UTC  

i feel offended

2019-02-03 09:21:41 UTC  

@charliebrownau Learn to code was being taken down because it was aimed at blue checkmarks, the bread and butter of twitter

2019-02-03 09:21:43 UTC  


2019-02-03 09:21:53 UTC  

its only "offenseive" and "hate speech" because it offends the feelings off the LEFT progressives

2019-02-03 09:21:57 UTC  

not because of the "ultra socialist world order" or anything

2019-02-03 09:21:59 UTC  

I think @Timcast is right. A civil war is coming

2019-02-03 09:22:08 UTC  

I said that 3-4 years ago

2019-02-03 09:22:31 UTC  

people say that a civil was is coming since the end of the last one

2019-02-03 09:22:32 UTC  

when the GLobal Socialist LEFT, Sjw , feminists and ISLAM prevent open debate, the only outcome next is phyiscal reaction when we cant talk

2019-02-03 09:22:40 UTC  


2019-02-03 09:22:48 UTC  

Its bound to happen between 2020-2025 in UK + AU + USA

2019-02-03 09:23:19 UTC  

maduro's legacy will probably end in the same vein as middle eastern dictators like saddam or gadaffi

2019-02-03 09:23:24 UTC  

im moving to eastern oregon where no body lives

2019-02-03 09:23:38 UTC  

and gonna live with the coyotes

2019-02-03 09:23:45 UTC  

tame them

2019-02-03 09:23:48 UTC  

be their leader

2019-02-03 09:23:55 UTC  

adapt, overcome

2019-02-03 09:24:09 UTC  

and live out that movie Dancing with Wolves

2019-02-03 09:24:23 UTC  

teach them to not attack innocent critters living on private property