Message from @BFG
Discord ID: 301180894121820160
chill out or u might get gassed
Already got gassed :-/@NiggerLyncher
Still less scarry than the top 1% jews out there
Even /pol/ thinks i'm one of the fucks in the shillcord
I'm 2 gud at acting
don't let anyone in who doesn't have an avatar
2 sketch
Wait is the NK guy legit in NK?
probably not
Probably just changed his IP to whatever the fuck identifies someone as being from NK
someone kicked that shitskin who was from MAT
whoever it was thanks
should we just not let people in
if other people don't know them
I checked who that guy was
Since if one nigger from that discord gets in
Please help
I'm being abused
they can ban all of us
that name was pepepower
the username was
but the nickname in mat was firingmaillazer
suggesting a lone wolf embed
like /us/
Connor I have one question for you
being that you are a /pol/lack for years
what can you not do
to dorner
wait so how do I get off of my H1B?
I came legaly LUL
@Mr. Cate we are muslim pack and you are drunk swedish slut out at night by her self, wut do?
You gotta be trusted @Sickmonkey3