Message from @Kelz

Discord ID: 544363705459277824

2019-02-11 03:43:17 UTC  

Border security, is definitely a root solution. Pulling out of Afghanistan is another. (Poppy bush)

2019-02-11 03:43:29 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy We need to start arressting anyone who uses opiods.....hardline..................................they need to say no to drugs

2019-02-11 03:43:33 UTC  

both of which the dems seem to be vehemently against @stedly

2019-02-11 03:43:40 UTC  

no no that's bad @Kelz

2019-02-11 03:43:46 UTC  

don't arrest people for using drugs

2019-02-11 03:44:06 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy it's interesting theyre so against racism publicly, but they keep creating MORE of it

2019-02-11 03:44:12 UTC  


2019-02-11 03:44:22 UTC  

No War on Opiods.............................................We arrested black people in the 80's and still do......................................War on Drugs helped black people and it Will help White people 😃

2019-02-11 03:44:27 UTC  

it's almost as if their party has been associated with it since the beginning @stedly

2019-02-11 03:44:41 UTC  

lol I can feel the sarcasm @Kelz

2019-02-11 03:44:57 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy now it's worse all of them are doing it unknowingly.

2019-02-11 03:45:01 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy ALl those people who arrested black people for smoking weed for decades

2019-02-11 03:45:33 UTC  

hemp was outlawed due to it's ability to crash the cotton and kerosene market

2019-02-11 03:45:49 UTC  

I don't buy the narrative that a dumb red hat can be symbolized with a swastika.

2019-02-11 03:45:50 UTC  

you can make stronger fiber out of hemp and use hemp oil as a replacement for kerosene

2019-02-11 03:46:07 UTC  

and it's easier to grow

2019-02-11 03:46:23 UTC  

It looks more like a star of David as much smear attacks they get from establishment elites.

2019-02-11 03:46:47 UTC  

All im saying is Everything that happened to Black people is happening to White people..............................................Black people tried to tell you White women are the devil but Your White Knight asses didnt want to believe them................................Now White Women have turned on you Case in point #Metoo Kavanuagh

2019-02-11 03:46:49 UTC  

and they were able to create a moral panic about marijuana through an aggressive propaganda campaign against it

2019-02-11 03:46:52 UTC  

@Kelz they aren't struggling with opoids directly. They are struggling with depression. They are raped in the divorce and child custody courts, they are told constantly by everyone that they are pure evil incarnate for their race and gender, they deal with the media/academics/etc shitting on them on a daily basis. You get hurt, you end up on opoids pushed by a doctor that has his own financial interests in mind as he is used by a company that doesn't care about collateral damage as long as they make a lot of money. You see yourself isolated from family members (whom are told by their fellow progressive cult members to abandon non liberal family members) and are increasingly isolated and outcast from society to the point that you lose all hope. Then a pill makes you numb to it all and you get addicted to that feeling of numbness.

and I actually know of someone who died from the epidemic and what he was going through. His burial was a few days ago.

2019-02-11 03:47:01 UTC  

All im saying is Everything that happened to Black people is happening to White people..............................................Black people tried to tell you White women are the devil but Your White Knight asses didnt want to believe them................................Now White Women have turned on you Case in point #Metoo Kavanuagh

2019-02-11 03:47:22 UTC  


2019-02-11 03:47:23 UTC  


2019-02-11 03:47:28 UTC  

My brother is addicted to opioids so I have gotten to witness it firsthand

2019-02-11 03:47:32 UTC  

karma for who

2019-02-11 03:47:35 UTC  

I didn't do shit

2019-02-11 03:48:03 UTC  

@Kelz Look up ellipses, and learn how to use them appropriately. Not trying to be an ass here, but it's started to get unnerving.

2019-02-11 03:49:00 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy I understand but i was making a point for all those assholes who would tell black peopl "Just say No" or "Dont do crime even tho they are stuggling" "Dont smoke weed if you dont want to go to jail" "Pick yourself by your bootstrap" when they had no jobs etc

2019-02-11 03:49:28 UTC  

@Kelz they didn't warn anyone because they are still voting by a margin of 90-10 for the people responsible for most of it

2019-02-11 03:49:47 UTC  

tbf those statements aren't bad

2019-02-11 03:49:50 UTC  

@Kelz It wasn't "right-wingers" who made it illegal to sell loosy cigarettes in NYC. It wasn't "right-wingers" who ordered the police to crack down on those selling them. It wasn't "right-wingers" who defended the arrest and subsequent death of Eric Garner. It was "left-wing" Democrat NYC politicians, from the govenor, to the mayor to the police chief to the news media.

2019-02-11 03:50:05 UTC  

like the welfare act by the democrats that destroyed the black family. They still have 90% of that vote

2019-02-11 03:50:19 UTC  

I was at the as it is concert, and like there were so many antifa people

2019-02-11 03:50:30 UTC  


2019-02-11 03:50:57 UTC  

Also wasn't right-wingers that created gun laws that racially profiled blacks to take their guns.

2019-02-11 03:50:59 UTC  

@CasualSailor Lets be honest...........This is all across the country. Republican states and Democrat states..............White people (democrat) and (republican) were racist and its just nice to see karma happening

2019-02-11 03:50:59 UTC  

the three strike law? the calling of blacks as 'superpredators'? that was their beloved hillary clinton

2019-02-11 03:51:18 UTC  

I dont remember republicans treating black people better

2019-02-11 03:51:18 UTC  

KKK were democrat entirely

2019-02-11 03:51:34 UTC  

republicans freed the slaves in the civil war against the democrat plantation owners

2019-02-11 03:51:34 UTC  

no it isnt good to see "karma" happening