Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277685636247322635
You don't know anything
im listening @DoctorPiss
Holy hell
Have local chapters select a Sergeant at Arms who takes lead if shit goes south in the field
>Jay starts beating an antifa
>natsoc >soc >socialism is the stepping stone to communism
I have actually been to protests and worked with zombietime
professionally how exactly...
>john and jerry dont like this but they are both wearing yellow caps
Jesus your examples are as sht as your thinking sg95
were you born in 1995
>police arrest all 3
i was born in 96 :p
Not doxing myself but I was involved with protest warrior until the two Jews took it over
We are intentionally making sure we are not smashing shit, the goal of this is literally to make right-wing the countrymen and antifa and communists evil instead of the other way around
Guess what they were obsessed with ranks and roles tho
SG95, this is why you need to start attending protests of any kind. Police are not just milling about - they're in a line
leadership can prevent people from infiltrating and single handedly inciting arrests
This kid has never been to a protest
In his life
Ban hom
we arent protesting
but we are
i think its fine
No but we're going to be at one idiot
just let it be
we are protecting people from protests
Jesus Christ this kids autism
Does attending a Woman's March in search of ass count as having attended a protest?
can we settle the rank debate later?
it's counter-protesting not commie patrol
**We can worry about autismo shit like ranks when the forum is made on, what symbol are we going to use**
**We can worry about autismo shit like ranks when the forum is made on, what symbol are we going to use**
**We can worry about autismo shit like ranks when the forum is made on, what symbol are we going to use**
**We can worry about autismo shit like ranks when the forum is made on, what symbol are we going to use**
**We can worry about autismo shit like ranks when the forum is made on, what symbol are we going to use**
**We can worry about autismo shit like ranks when the forum is made on, what symbol are we going to use**