Message from @kromedrone
Discord ID: 508712336253779978
Reduction of tariffs, gay shit
well bois
it's time for a fat sleep
Still sounds interesting st least
the new pubg update looks great
Pudg is for gays
@Illithid Dreams weak sauce
way better sabaton songs out there
To Hell and Back is my favorite Sabaton song.
Spamming Ricardo weakens his power
Dundee's a shithole
@kromedrone good fuckin choice, I'm impartial to Carolus Rex and Resist and Bite
Their cover of For Whom the Bell Tolls is fantastic
Sabaton's older stuff is better.
Love Sabaton though. None of their songs are truly shit
But I like Powerwolf more than Sabaton
Im at the local hot topic
You like The Last Stand etc?
My favourite Sabaton song is The Rise of Evil.
I'm crying over these vids. HE STILL SURPRISES ME!!!
the white death is good but the chorus sounds like it's missing a word
hot topic
what are you, 2007
because its day 4, and ive masturbated to completion about 6 times.
Another good song is The final Solution
And Carolus Rex has to be in Swedish for me
fuck no nut november
I buy all my clothes from hot topic zumez and PINK