Message from @soup dad
Discord ID: 509208287216926734
@MsLisbeth whities have no righties, you're kinda just stating the obvious
I know
I know which water fountain I can and can't drink from, chief
im waiting for the revolution
not now maybe
but soon
Too bad you won't get it
We're too lazy for a revolution
And much like in the real world, if we even tried, we'd get our asses kicked
also tru
so im getting raided
and i check the single guy who is raiding
That's a poor life decision right there
he has cataracts in both eyes, and a shooting skill of 1/20
I don't want a revolution tho
leion are to liberal for me
yet a melee skill of 18/20
yet he is using a gun
It interferes with the plan of living in a Cyberpunk Dystopian world
cyberpunk looks cool asf
Oh yea bb
RimWorld is great
have you heard of atomic heart?
cyberpunk was never very appealing to me
I love making an insane cannibalistic jungle tribe
RimJobs are awesome
oof accidentally killed him
it happens
a man can only take 2 .303 rounds it seems
all your pawns freak out about cannibalism tho if they don't have the trait
Cyberpunk is an obsession of mine
It honestly causes financial issues
Doesn't everything cause financial issues?
Well yeah
wish you could make human meat into "mystery meat" or "soylent green" so your pawns wouldn't sperg out about cannibalism
Atomic heart look it up it looks like a great game