Message from @Wade
Discord ID: 509834267451457546
Restore the enamel
I tried hanging myself with the umbilical cord
Coathang yourself
But ur floating in water
Nice try
omg your all kkk
Try again but with rope.
@AK abortion is a sin Muslim
*rping as a foetus*
I hate white people, because I hate myself
How do I get the rope
that @ made me want to kill myself
How do you change your name?
into mum's womb
i dont know
*rping as a feetus eater*
fuck me in the ass you are all a gay niggers
ok my man
*rping as a furry*
*Foetus deletus*
I tried hitting her a few times from inside the womb
*rping in general*
foetus more like feet us
XD its a joke
@ You purposly make your name as hard as possible to find? Enjoy the new name
I prefer to get fucked in the ass
Ok niggers who's still going strong in no nut November?
Nah I fucked it
i failed last night
I could not find the member you wanted to kick...
it's november?
shit i was jerking off too much
I’m a horny peice of shit
as a christian i have not failed