Message from @Pip
Discord ID: 510044042185277441
I don't know man, adderall makes me more assertive if anything.
Ngl first time i had it was for a tourney i was in. A teammate gave it me and we fucking destroyed everyone
for me it just makes me normal
it makes you think a weird way that isnt masculine
Game steroids
and calm
I do think it's over prescribed that's just a bit too chemicals in the water for me @T e x
Pretty much @Agamemnon
Do they have regulations on that shot. Sounds like quite an illegal edge
I mean they do put shit in the water.
For games at least
Gay frogs
i game better drunk and stoned than i ever did on adderall and i competed a lot on adderall
You guys have a good night though I'm finally crashing so I'm going to get some sleep.
take it easy buddy
I heard a bunch of college kids use it to study and that is lame as shit
You too
Night walmart
I thought so
But online tourneys are free game
Don't game too hard.
i went to that last league thing they had, and they had a fuckin bar right next to the stage
it was amazing
But i only do it if the prize pool is enough
I'm not much of a gamer to be honest with yous
well its time to rise up
Online tourneys you technically gotta follow rules but it's hard to enforce
@Agamemnon pretty much all i do tbh
We've had a few people kicked for using pc emulators of mobile games to have an advantage, near impossible to catch but someone noticed the slight mouse acceleration
Mate how about that
@Agamemnon i played pro for a year ish
Good on ya
Now i still play at a high level but i dont do tourneys that much
I prefer to coach teams now
What game/console? I played pro ESL for a few years
As long as you enjoy it mate