Message from @LmaoMoni
Discord ID: 510342697144418314
Like all the sexist shit feminists moan about in the result of men loving
@FUCK fire *OMG Woman better try and impress her for nudes.*
if guys didnt react strongly when a girl is online i would have no problem with grills on the internet
@Dino see: tex
Woman are insufferable
Oi fuck up Tea.
but all men are KINGS
Fuck you, you gimp
If she breathes she a thot
Men protecting women from harm is “sexist” but in reality its because men love women
Im forced to agree with my counterpart, jim
Mate my misses does my tits in.
Fuck white knights tho
Yet I'm with her, and been so for years.
@LmaoMoni love is pretty gay tho
Black knighting is my way
Ah yes hop on the high horse in the wonderful white knighting armour.
After all, i wouldn't want to be racist or anything
Woman love the cock too much
is phobia still banned?
Its mutual
Men love women and women love men
Dating women is kind of gay if you think about it they have half of their dad's dna
But she's a cunt sometimes. @Jim ok but have you considered
I bet you're a cunt sometimes Tea.
I'm a cunt all the time mate.
Everybody is a cunt sometimes.
that is true
Na not all the time.
the only real women are dick women
which is why i like tea