Message from @Le EPik Geymar kek
Discord ID: 510797261308166171
Jews lmao
@Jizzlobber the furry community is full of animal fucking degenerates
Your point?
and and dankula's audience is full of white nationalists
your point
? ? ? ? ?
@Jizzlobber the furry community is just self hating practitioners of bestiality
We supplement furries with jews and gas the shit outta them
Boi I need to see the proof
ya use caps lock
@Cryocynical <#418492743547879427> faggot
that way i know you REALLY laughed
@Jizzlobber proof or no proof nig
@Jizzlobber were not white nationalist, furfag
@Jizzlobber "free speech is white nationalism" <:dribble:467327022641971211>
Jizz you're here calling us white nationalists
oh so thats the triggerword
That's why I'm still laughing
white nationalism
I guess you could call it a triggerword
whatever y'all just racists and bigots
Not the reaction you want tho
yeah i guess you could call it a triggerwoREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
least we don't fuck animals
>White Nationalism
>Implying everyone in this discord is white
I would rather support white nationalism than the people telling me that I do already
Idk jizz
This isn't the best why to introduce yourself
@secret police please get @Jizzlobber jizzout of here
jizz is what my friends call me
and people who don't care about you call you jizz as well
Are your friends dogs you jizzed in?