Message from @Red Pulsating Rod
Discord ID: 510798278611173386
Somebody is
wow n-word
*here we go*
It's just the n-word calm down hahah
@Jizzlobber this must be your first day
and have been since around 500 people
Oof. Your triggerword is the nigger word @Jizzlobber
wow so intuitive
do you read chat 24/7
Jizz what are you saying man XD
wow @jak waughy not cool man
no, but I’ve read enough to know that nigger is thrown about 100 times every day
i'm not triggered at all though
probably more than that actually
ok real talk
ok yeah yeah
***nigger lmao***
come on now
i can no longer pretend i give a shit about words
***nigger lmao***
700 people joined since dankula uploaded
Then why did you make like I said some next level shit when I said ***NIGGA***
Death cant come soon enough
oh wait
@Le EPik Geymar kek Stop
i just discovered this discord because i went to dankula's twitter feed to tell him traps are gay
Jizz just act normal man
>calls people jews in a pejorative tone
>calls same people white nationalist
>pats themself on the back at their spicy triggering prowess
i remembered that WHITEY Mention was disabled