Message from @Le EPik Geymar kek
Discord ID: 510797870165655572
I would rather support white nationalism than the people telling me that I do already
Idk jizz
This isn't the best why to introduce yourself
@secret police please get @Jizzlobber jizzout of here
jizz is what my friends call me
and people who don't care about you call you jizz as well
Are your friends dogs you jizzed in?
well i guess thats that then
We can deal with spergs
good joke dude
but don't be an idiot man
oh well
i'll d what want fuck you
It's harmless
youre not my caretaker
Nigga you're a fox furry
Somebody is
wow n-word
*here we go*
It's just the n-word calm down hahah
@Jizzlobber this must be your first day
and have been since around 500 people
Oof. Your triggerword is the nigger word @Jizzlobber
wow so intuitive
do you read chat 24/7
Jizz what are you saying man XD
wow @jak waughy not cool man
no, but I’ve read enough to know that nigger is thrown about 100 times every day
i'm not triggered at all though
probably more than that actually