Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 280349600433569794
Business near and around the auto industry is taking an anxious leap into the air
Explain, I belived that Ford is back
But the economy is basically teetering on the autoind itself to keep it all airborne for the rest of the country, it's a massive gamble
Relax dude
no, no relaxing, we're right at the 2008 bubblepoint
What can you do about it rigjht now?
hope and pray, the worst of all things
So let Trump take care of it
What, do you doubt the god emporer?
If i can't take personal action to solve a problem my entire personal history tells me bad shit happens, looking back on past data for the long-history only confirms those feelings
I know bro, I know
However, it's not like I'm panicking or anything, I'm just not cutting this recovery optimistic chances
I see
I am, however, looking at a new job opening up in the area; if the networking pays off i basically double my pay and get out of a shitty company culture
What is the salary are you looking for?
hourly pay, m8, bluecollar here; i'd be going from 12/hr to 22
Ah, also i got some disgusting news, a Vice writer is supporting communist ANTIFA
No shit
No surprise
But that is a bigger outlet coverage than student news bodies
Another tick on the pessimistic wall of reasons to get this local chapter up and running before the antifa make it into my state
Even if they do, you need to protect your capital
The sooner teams can run escorts at protests, the better chance we have of recruiting the local numbers required for effective riot buffers
question is this
What will the III think about us?
3% is already inspecting you
What do you men?
I have a liaison with an ear to the ground, anticom is on some lips.
Also, I asked Sargon if he could give us a shoutout
He did talked about us in the past
I was thinking about that, when did he talk about us specifically?