Message from @Grant
Discord ID: 513886040159813694
They aren’t cast out they are the REAL OG furrys
well look at kero
Well im and "og" furry
original gangster furry 🤔
It helps me cope in a lot of ways
@DUB3R5 people who fuck animals aren’t furries, they’re breaking the law
And kerro can go doe
Imma bash kero if I see that animal fucker irl
yeah but if i play a video game where im an animal i dont identify as a fucking furry
beastie boy
Not in Canada
Hang him
Piece of dog shit
@Nicol Boneless thats not something to be proud of, you fucking freak
Hang kero high
and his bitch ass friend too
this name colour shit is confusing my feeble mind
like if im a black dude in a game, is it blackface?
@Red Pulsating Rod Do it man, I will personally award you with a medal on behalf of the entire furry community
Bestallity is legal in Canada
if i pick a girl in PUBG am i cross dressing?
Your using a black character
Wait is mine just messed up or can no one else see names?
no, i just pick a avatar
As a prism to veiw the world
@Octavia nah the mods are fucking us
It’s not just you
No it's the oxy oct
i can see my name
we can all see it fine
I use a furry
I do charity
In my suit
You're losing your mind