Message from @psyko
Discord ID: 513885746738757634
He's just a gay dude who went into the furry community because it was a safe spot for gay men, he doesn't take the fursona seriously, just does it for the dick sucking
Ours is just...... more extreme
maybe when i was a kid id do that, but when you get 30 you strop giving a fuck
oh he’s gay
if you want something extreme try bdsm
Bdsm is nice
Yea he's not very furry tbh
I feel like its anonymous fucking/role play
Fur suits is just wearing costumes
Well the problem
Tbf I use cute anime girls, so I am not far off furry level degeneracy
i wnat to understand the sexual connection though
Some people find it acceptable to abuse and have sexual relations with animals in the community I will agree with you on that, but those people are quickly cast out from the community
Is the term furry is kinda muddled
no no
fuckin furries
Some people who use an edgy wolf pfp considers themselves furries
an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online.
That's a furry
They aren’t cast out they are the REAL OG furrys
well look at kero
Well im and "og" furry
original gangster furry 🤔
It helps me cope in a lot of ways
@DUB3R5 people who fuck animals aren’t furries, they’re breaking the law
And kerro can go doe
Imma bash kero if I see that animal fucker irl
yeah but if i play a video game where im an animal i dont identify as a fucking furry
beastie boy
Not in Canada
Hang him
Piece of dog shit
@Nicol Boneless thats not something to be proud of, you fucking freak
Hang kero high
and his bitch ass friend too