Message from @antonee
Discord ID: 514004425887711243
i didnt say we
i said you
By definition LGBT is a demographic.
dafq does that mean
well trans people some reason tend to associate themselves with gay people lol
which makes no sense ot me
you do realise the only people who use that word aren't even fucking trans, right
"we all face discrimination right?" XDDD
the ones that actually are the wrong sex change it and identify as the one they change to
Associating with people based on similar physical traits is identitarianism.
Which is retarded.
not some fucking 'trans' label
i know several trans people lol
trans isnt something that has both as well?
anyone who says that is attention seeking
Fucking keyboard.
ive met non binaries (think they are attention seeking honestly) a dude at my work identifies as female and a girl at my work identifies as male. Also my boyfriend has a friend who is m2f trans (actually a completely normal person)
you've met 3 people who are mentally ill
No such thing as non binary.
It's something retards make up to feel special.
if they're dudes in the wrong body you can pick it up on mris
then wtf is trans?
i could say im non binary. cos im not "masculine" or "feminine" TOO BAD THATS NOT HOW GENDER BLOODY WORKS
anything else, mental disorder.
While they soak up NHS funding and make it harder for people like me with an actual mental disorder.
non binary is like trans before surgery
some bullshit label by people with not enough to do
isnt it?
they just identify as the one they are
No, it's a made up gender or lack their of or some gay shit.
still dont get it
trans is just a bullshit made up thing
Apache Helicopter level shit.
its a gender that identifys as another gender