Message from @Hatter
Discord ID: 514657450289528843
Deal with it psyko
no shit, dick sponge
And still not be retarded enough to ask a minor for a fanny picture
Wanna Sprite Cranberry?
you're free to talk your shite
and we're free to flame you for your shite
it's a two way road
i suppose
He doesn’t want a Sprite Cranberry
drunk btw
Its the wild west partner.
fuck xd
I got drunk of Sprite Cranberry then committed bestiality with the cow from “Home on the Range”
man i feel bad for taking the piss out of people like that
but at the same time
my poor goat man was knocked out in a fight and now is afraid after experience trauma
Already has PTSD
nigga suffocated
Have you tried the witch doctor?
ok chat how do i not be a mongo
a bar fight led to a knife being stabbed in his lung from behind
and how do i make my left hand work
so I can play guitar correctly
*jack off
alright dick weed
thats not you
Rape child of Keemstar and Bunty King
holy fuck
now i cant unsee that
actual bunty but with keems beard fuckkkk
Death by firing squad
Don’t post pics, but honestly answer, who’s yo waifu?