Message from @PJP
Discord ID: 516514929671405569
No one needs edgy shit rn
cannae believe it
first you fart on mic
then u lie to me
Its 1:24 for me
Same here
I'm sitting here eating my breakfast getting ready for work
its monday my dudes. it defines being edgy. but really dont
Midwest/Canada gang
7:24 am, yumm
It’s nearly half 7
How is that NOT morning
its nearly time you pissed off
🇺🇸 bitch
I think we can all agree not to be edgy on mornings
Learning who is in my timezone <:spicy:437241167692955648>
I bet at least one you is a pedo.
Half 7 here
Didn’t say guns were edgy
You daft cunt
it's clearly
still ngiht
Never said you did
ew windows 7
it's dark outside
Do pedo’s get up this early?
Heck this im going to bed
Windows 7 is 11 years old
Thought they were like vampires
yeah but it's still a good os
Early bird catches the little kiddies