Message from @tinaVey
Discord ID: 277941854559797248
brando is an idiot
Gotta look like we don't have violent intent until shit goes south
when he argued for a complex system of ranks and leadership with the tenacity and autism of a RAILFAN
@brando We have to look like non-targets.
because we dont have violent intent
Fuck you steven
let me be clear: the manchildren who catalogue and photograph train engines and railcars are less autistc than him
Brando weapons in general is a bad idea and a concield weapon is just a terrable idea.
Mace/batons aren't a bad choice
camera is best weapon
DoctorPiss is correct
Enough to keep us from getting beaten to death without accidentally killing anyone else
If you can legally carry a weapon do so. Camera is great as well.
carry a semi auto bunny
brando is still stupid as fuck
@Steven >disrespecting my initiative to work hard to become fully financially independent just like a filthy liberal would
Also only sluts use virgin as an insult. GTFO degenerate.
>mfw @esgee ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm old
@tinaVey u talking about me
shut it jew
we need a grownup legion
Gotta respect your old Fag superiority steven
@tinaVey excuse me?
My vocab it 80-90's influinced.
i said jew you're going to be gassed
oldfag is a term for people who arent teenagers on 4chan
it does nto mean you are afag
I remmember Carter and Regan
no one cares tbh
Reagan was fucking florious
Trump is our new Reagan
reagan did amnesty