Message from @Mudkips
Discord ID: 303738678897934356
jeez these gets
kek is speaking
i hope they drop that
macron is a clinton-esque globalist right?
any name that isnt le pen
is kike controlled
>tfw can't go to auburn tomorrow for the spencer/antifa shitshow
@Mudkips whats going down fam
hes giving a talk
his event got cancelled
and hes still going
antifa is supposedly going to fuck around at Auburn tomorrow, but i doubt it's going to be anything noteworthy
so there gonna be another shit show
but i dont think as many people will show up for spencer
even if they bus them in from atlanta i doubt they'll have substantial numbers and the Spencer crowd will be there in bigger numbers
TWP is supposed to be there for him this time
i hope antifa beats up richard spencer and then bikers for trump beat up antifa and richard spencer
it'd kind of be shitty for me to leave him here alone to go fight antifa 4 and a half hours away and probably get arrested
they will hit him in head with bike lock and it will be ur fault
yea stay with ur dad
Fuhrer enjoy hs meth rn
fight another day
hows the hash faggot @NiggerLyncher
i didn't have enough notice for this thing, tbh
Too good
i still need to buy a stab vest at least before i go fight antifa
I'm gonna lynch 49 niggers
Per secone
@Mudkips I am just kidding I am sure youll shreck bring a helmet honestly
In a lynch factory
Mechanical lynching
fuck i feel like eating pizza
or tendies