Message from @Strayan't

Discord ID: 517639968357875722

2018-11-29 09:52:24 UTC  

@aaaanermly tap your picture

2018-11-29 09:52:34 UTC  

It will then prompt you to upload a pic

2018-11-29 09:52:47 UTC  

Choose from your camera roll/gallery

2018-11-29 09:53:15 UTC  

@DUB3R5 you bluff

2018-11-29 09:53:19 UTC  

Fuckin Chinks man, I swear...

2018-11-29 09:54:12 UTC  

well he hasn’t responded soooo

2018-11-29 09:54:15 UTC  

He ded

2018-11-29 09:54:18 UTC  

Bunch of squinty eyed motherfuckers

2018-11-29 09:54:24 UTC  
2018-11-29 09:54:34 UTC  

I have slayn him

2018-11-29 09:54:39 UTC  

it’s no use

2018-11-29 09:54:51 UTC  

You ever think that the sjw are maybe people who never got that one sarcastic joke and it tipped them overboard?

2018-11-29 09:55:02 UTC  

So women in general

2018-11-29 09:55:08 UTC  


2018-11-29 09:55:11 UTC  

Like if everyone who wants to go to japan, went to japan, then the declining birthrate issue would be resolved

2018-11-29 09:55:28 UTC

2018-11-29 09:55:48 UTC  

Nice emu

2018-11-29 09:55:51 UTC  

We are made to spread our genes and memes. Going interracial should be just fine, no?

2018-11-29 09:56:20 UTC  

What was that? Dipping ya dick in black?

2018-11-29 09:56:22 UTC  

Nah mate

2018-11-29 09:56:25 UTC  

That's how you get abbos

2018-11-29 09:56:42 UTC  

Was thinking of dipping in yellow, but whatever you say.

2018-11-29 09:56:42 UTC  

Well i’m getin yeted

2018-11-29 09:56:54 UTC  

Keep trying dude. We believe in you!

2018-11-29 09:56:57 UTC  

Don't dip in yellow

2018-11-29 09:57:02 UTC  

@aaaanermly ANDROID OR iOS?

2018-11-29 09:57:07 UTC  


2018-11-29 09:57:08 UTC  

That's how you get typhoid

2018-11-29 09:57:28 UTC  

I have a feeling he’s fucking with me

2018-11-29 09:57:28 UTC  

+kick @aaaanermly "Get a profile picture, you apple iFag!"

2018-11-29 09:57:29 UTC  


2018-11-29 09:57:40 UTC  

There he goes.

2018-11-29 09:57:53 UTC  

I honestly think he was like 12

2018-11-29 09:58:00 UTC  

13 tops

2018-11-29 09:58:20 UTC  

ios is easy just click on the settings lol

2018-11-29 09:58:36 UTC  

Literally the gear ⚙️

2018-11-29 09:58:51 UTC  

Well. Back to work.

2018-11-29 09:58:59 UTC  

Later Broskis. I gotta bounce.

2018-11-29 09:59:09 UTC  


2018-11-29 09:59:09 UTC  

As far as ease of use goes, iOS is very intuitive. Android is more advanced, and you can get more free shit like music

2018-11-29 09:59:23 UTC  

So i prefer android