Message from @Aya
Discord ID: 519596301315211265
there's a Z
that looks pretty cold
@Papa Benz holy fuck you’re an idiot
Is ThErE a BeE iN hErE?
Alt righters tend to be more traditional
right in general does
@Papa Benz is there a bee in here though?
alt right are more feminine penis than actual tories
Alt right has its incel degenerates sure
But plenty of them are against abnormal sexual behavior
A lot of them are kinda straight edge in that sense
isn't nofap mostly Arighters
Lol nofap is just a general internet thing at this point
Damn it
seem to be a bit obsessed with degeneracy in the same way the catholic church is with sex
I got muted
Well not all degenerates are incels
"If I shout loud enough my argument and point is more valid." - @Ninjaplusplus
I never said that you dumbass
isn't alt right dead?
Me rn
These niggas
Just more proof that manscaping is wrong
If you want to be attractive you don’t do anything to your body hair
that ruined my evening
i had a stiffy a minute ago
without the makeup and bikini I'd tap that
woke shiut
lads i have a brain haemorrhage i just read this on twitter "In 500 years there will be no borders and a single currency and people will look back at what you’ve done and condemn you for the mess that you’ve made both for the UK and stability in Europe." in response to a ukip tweet
I mean it's likely true
Please can we just elect ukip