Message from @Dimorac
Discord ID: 519594776853479445
Organizing tumblr raids and what not
now that site's days are numbered with 2 digits
@Fyre It was obvious that Farage was going to leave he has shown his true colours, he went for brexit, then he left after brexit went through =BAtten has built up ukip from the ground up
Pro nudity is liberal anti is conservative
The ResetEra is going to burst like a fucking bubble
Farage really thought he could go against Tommy Robinson and also batten
SJW dead
let's dance boys
shit what they did to tommy
Hope it stays dead.
Tommy Robinson is more popular then all political social media in the UK
Social justice is just mob justice
@Fyre Honestly I'm glad his dead, UKIP is our only chance, and he is trying to destroy it
from the inside out
even people who don't agree with his opinions think it was fucked up
Yeah I hope we have our momentum after this
Fuck the EU honestly
Farage, hasn't been open or spoke anything a bout grooming gangs or muslims rapists in ages!
I reckon they bought him off
he has been a compelte wimp and a pussy ever since
Socialism is just new age communism. Change my mind.
In <#418503004434726912>
doesn't matter what your politics are if they're run by people who are bought, idiot
is there a bee in here?
there's a Z
that looks pretty cold
@Papa Benz holy fuck you’re an idiot
Is ThErE a BeE iN hErE?
Alt righters tend to be more traditional
right in general does