Message from @esgee
Discord ID: 278145146422558721
>tfw I had pet birdo. >tfw he died recently
Rip birdo
Post ironic shitposting
If we can get this many (you)s from /pol/ ironically, baiting leftists wioo be even eaiser tbh
Is it though?
Any /pol/ish post on any other board is guaranteed front page for a whole day
Ive done it to /ic/
Mods had to delet the thread
meanwhile the Ukrainians on /pol/ are busy
Over 300 replies
I think r9k is more misogynistic
Pol gets some
"i used to have a thing for traps"
"used to"
shit i havent been here for a while
whats changed?
thats the short of it really
is that the quick rundown?
Good morning nigs
good night laddies
oi cunts get in the voice chat ya skweeker
get in, we're making america gr8 again
cant now fam, I'm on campus in the library
the book jew
oy vey the goyum is reading our woirds oh cawd
>falling for the school jew