Message from @Anticom LR
Discord ID: 278043164219277312
@OneLessRed - TN that's why I was asking for clarification on the "spreading" message
i like to read the responses to our twitter just cause its antifa faggs bitching
@Wrathsalts i'll try something like that later, thanks.
@Bluesy did you see that SS 1488 guy
i dont believe so
oy vey someone just joined
or came online
we have too many people for me to tell the difference anymore kek
should we distance ourselves from our "radical" beliefs just so we can have less controversy?
we aren't radical at all
we are purely anti-communist anti-leftist violence
That's all the juice I managed. It's a goldmine if that PDF is a manual.
A literal playbook
we will have controversy either way but should we keep the 1488 stuff hush-hush while we are being public?
Well duh
We should leave our ideological baggage at the door. Don't even mention it. We are united through anti-communism.
Good PR is something we'll have that Antifa doesn't
that'll show them
can we have an anthem?
Just don't even mention any beliefs that might be seen as "radical"
Redpill them on the Jewish Question
@Wrathsalts you're doing good work. This kind of subversion is incredibly helpful in understanding their methodology
Anticom is not the place for the JQ
Kek stop no ideology bullshit. Pure anti-communist @Attila the Pun
I'm fucking around
@Moonman danks man.
But we could redpill normies
Yes, we do have normalfags coming through from time to time
It sucks
I know, but you know the moles
But please check your pwoer levels
On the fact that global bankers use anarchists and commies
We need to be seen as a coalition of normal people against communism and antifa.
I can keep doing this too as long as I can blend in at rallies
Not just moles