Message from @MidshipGary
Discord ID: 521043543004020737
Health insurance would be FAR too much for me in the US
ew no
So i'll stay in the UK with muh free healthcare tah xo
I'll stay in london lmao
UKIP has gotten soft, I remember when the sight of the name was tantamount with "Pakis out"
"You're not allowed on the bouncy castle at my birthday party" - Farage probably
I will. Shame it won't last that long though.
Why should they care about what Farage thinks? The fucker left and left them to die.
Confirmed white supremacist^
In other news, look at my uncles puppy in his lil santa hat
cant wait to kill every commie, nazbol, and socialist with my bare hands
Hi Gary
Garys here
Stop your faggotry gary
A comedian huh?
gary why