Message from @Wil
Discord ID: 277709442529886219
if youre in the discord and not the voice chat youre missing out
It's 12:30am, I'm a little drunk, and I'm wiping vanilla extract on mice butts
These fucking things are a pain in the ass. Three of the little shitboxes squeaking around in the cage and constantly running in that God forsaken wheel. The stupid motherfuckers won't stop fighting. They are the wife's pets but she's in bed so I get stuck catching the stupid things and wiping vanilla on their asses so their scents get neutralized and they stop fighting. It actually works but only for a couple days. If this shit doesn't stop in a week they are going back on the market as snake food. They are more entertaining than I thought they would be but how the fuck can something this small and pointless be so high maintenance.
The only one with fucking people?
comfy furhrerbunker
My Bike thread on /pol/
we will wear these
weaboos are degenerate scum
But we're all weebs
put a waifu picture
if you want it vandalized
fuck your crotch rocket, CJ
"look who came upstairs from his basement, are you ready to start using ranks now?"
canada got CHINKED
If you want to cringe, watch
Look how excited these fucking cucks get over nothing.
crazy bitch