Message from @DickshittingCunt
Discord ID: 521578349886439424
Does dank strike anyone else as not neccessarily being ironic with the scat stuff
And others should not
but I'm probably a degenerate anyway, since I'm a whitey on this server
@DickshittingCunt Whose dank?
whos that
The meme
The man
What meme
Don't fucking K me
@Strayan't Yes, I do think certain stuff should be viewed, and certain stuff should be banned... But I'd make my rulings differently than the governments currently do
Governments don't make the decision, a separate board does
yeah, whatever
You've got the ESRB for games
which sucks when they ban games
MPAA for motion picture ratings in the states
If it features no real harm it shouldn't be banned, only regulated so no one under a certain age can get it
@AK mah nig
You cunts are suggesting some seriously questionable shit
you're the one bringing up lolicon, and then having a go at me because i think it should be banned, m8
Nah cunt
which one of you wanna get slapped
Never mentioned lolicon
~~me uwu~~
imagine liking child like features
Short people?
short doesn't equal lolicon
I'd rather have questionable harmless shit than ban things and that spiral into problematic (i know that is a buzzword) banning of things that certain parties don't like through abuse of law
nationalize the internet
Problematic is a buzz word?
I have a loyal legal Loli wife, shes a few years older than me
In what fucking world do we live in that problematic is a buzz word